Angel's Wings pt. 2

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Zane couldn't help but be shocked, as he didn't know what to say. He cleared his throat, looking back at Gene's wing. "Keep your wing still, its best if you don't move it." He instructed, looking back at Gene.

"Why are you helping me?" Gene questioned, as he had been only treated miserably but the humans so far. He slowly sat down, his eyes never leaving Zanes, he found the male different, as he had actually introduced and left an odd impression on him a few days ago once he had visited him. He didn't want anyone to help with his hurt wing, but it wouldn't have been cut in the first place if the humans hadn't gotten involved.

"Because you were hurt, so I wanted to help you Gene." Zane mumbled, finally able to address Gene as something else then creature. "I'm sorry for what we are doing to you." He apologized, slowly sitting back down.

"You're odd." Gene stated, looking at Zane with curiosity. "No human here so far as either helped me, or treated my like a person." He mumbled, looking over the smaller males appearance. He looked innocent, his black hair covering one of his eyes, and his over all appearance being pretty cute.

"Thank you?" Zane mumbled, letting out a small chuckling, unsure if that was a compliment or a sad fact. "I'm glad that you're talking at least." Zane mumbled, looking at Gene with a relieved smile. "Have you been hurt anywhere else?" Zane questioned, standing back up. He watched as Gene hesitated, but slowly nodded his head. He removed his shirt, considering this to be his only opportunity to get medical attention.

Zane gasped at the sight, seeing large bruises, bandaids, and cuts along Genes body. "Testing." He spat, glaring at nothing in particular. He hated his kind, they were the most cruel species he had knowledge of. He walked over, opening the first aid-kit once again slowly sat down on the bed. "May I?" He asked, looking at Genes largest cut on his left arm.

Gene nodded, staying silent. He kept his eyes on Zane, following his every move as he started treating his cuts, and bruises. "Thank you.." He whispered, finding it odd to thank a human, but he thought that he should in a moment like this.

"No problem! I'm glad that I can help." Zane reassured, once again packing the first-aid kit away once he had finished properly treating Genes wounds. He was about to say something, before he got interrupted by a small growl. He turned towards Gene, watching the male clutch his stomach. "Are you hungry?" He asked, looking at Gene. "Have they not been handing you any food?" He added, his anger and frustration only building up.

Gene sighed, nodding his head. "I'd be delighted if I could get my hands on some proper food, they only hand out small pieces of trash." He grumbled, his bitterness laced within his tone.

Zane nodded, feeling bad for Gene. "I'll sneak in some food for you tomorrow, promise." He mumbled, smiling softly. He stood up, glancing at Gene. "Its best if you continued sleeping, you're body is in desperate need of rest." He mumbled, moving away from Gene. "Ill be back tomorrow, with some proper food." He mumbled, chuckling quietly. He waved, before leaving the room. He filled out everything he needed to on the journal, handing it to Emmalyn before he left.


Zane had grabbed a bag with him this time, as he filled it with a sandwich, a water bottle, and an apple. He did his normal retune, talking to Emmalyn, her giving him the notebook, scolding him, and then letting him enter Gene's room once more. He smiled softly, waving at the cautious Gene. "Hello, its me again." He mumbled walking over, he was happy to see Gene on the bed again, glad that the male was resting.

He slowly sat down, grabbing his bag. "I brought food!" He exclaimed, watching Genes cautious expression to a more relieved one. He opened his bag, handing in the sandwich, surprised that Gene had immediately started eating the sandwich without hesitation. He let out a saddened sigh, figuring that this is the first thing he had most likely eaten in days. "I also brought you an apple, and some water." He mumbled, grabbing the water bottle and placing it beside Gene, who quickly opened and gulped down the water.

They didn't exchange much words as gene ate, first finishing the sandwich and then the apple. He had finished everything, and drank all the water. "Sorry I couldn't bring more, Ill bring some again tomorrow." He whispered, smiling softly at Gene.

"Thank you." Gene once again repeated, his body overjoyed with the feeling of finally having food in its system. "You are the only person I have met that has treated me well Zane, and I am thankful for this. I haven't met a human who actually had a decent heart before." He stated, looking down at his bandages body.

"Thank you, but if you don't mind me asking. . . What are you?" Zane asked, glancing at Gene. He couldn't help his question, as he had been wondering this since he had met Gene.

"I am what your kind might describe as a fallen angel, which is why my wings are black, not white." Gene explained, letting out a saddened sigh.

"Can I touch them?" Zane asked, finding himself being caught in a small daze.

"What?" Gene asked, looking at Zane with a small hint of confusion. He knew Zane was nice, and had helped him greatly, but he was still hesitant with getting touched.

"Your wings I mean, can I touch them?" Zane asked quietly, letting out a small sigh. "Y-You don't have to say yes, ill be fine either way!" He quickly reassured, blushing softly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Gene chuckled, shaking his head at Zane. "You really are something else. ." He mumble, hesitantly expanding his left and uninjured wing, keeping his eyes on Zane.

Zane slowly extended his hand, gently touching Genes wings. He couldn't help the smile that tugged on his lips, as he gently brushed his fingers against Genes soft feathers. "You're wings are so soft, truly beautiful." He whispered, smiling happily.

Gene blushed softly, looking away with a small smile. No one had called his wings beautiful before, the angels considered black a sinful and tainted colour, as their wings were an innocent white.


It's been a few weeks now, and Zane had visited Gene everyday now. He had grown increasingly close with him, as they had just recently confessed their feelings for each other. Zane couldn't believe that he had actually fallen in love with Gene, but he couldn't help it. There was just something so enchanting about him, something that he couldn't quite describe. He was currently laying in Genes uncomfortable bed, letting out a tired sigh. He had been overworked, and couldn't keep his regular sleeping schedule. His lover had just finished eating, as he slowly wrapped his arms around Zanes waist. He was still a little hesitant with touching Zane, as he believed that humans were quite fragile beings.

"Are you tired?" Gene asked softly, wrapping his wings around Zane as he created almost a cocoon shape around them. Zane loved when he did this, as he felt so safe in Genes arms this way.

"Yeah, couldn't get enough sleep." Zane mumbled, smiling softly as he looked down up at Gene. He watched as Gene slowly lifted up one of his hands, gently caressing his cheek. "It's best if you sleep then." He mumbled, sighing quietly.

Zane nodded, sighing softly. "Gene, what is you're favourite thing about this world?" Zane asked quietly, letting out another tired yawn.

Gene didn't expect this question from Zane, as he did took a moment to respond. "Most likely the nature, its such an incredible sight to see, as this earth we share is absolutely gorgeous." He whispered, his tone turning into a sadder one. "What would I give to be able to see it again, spread my wings and fly through the sky, cross the most beautiful oceans and be free once again." He whispered, looking up at Zane.

Genes words had only saddened Zane further, as he knew Genes biggest wish was to be set free again, and even though his heart ached with the thought. He was going to help set Gene free.

He would help Gene escape, even if it meant that he would die in the process.

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