Monster! Monster!

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A shrill scream rang through the air and a moments later Wren Flincher, our resident five year old, ran over screaming, "Monster! Monster!"

I ran to the other side ofbour makeshift shelter and followed the young boy's eyes toward a clump of bushes a few meters away.

We watched for a few more moments but saw nothing out of the ordinary. As more people got back to work I shrugged it off as the kid's imagination and continued my job of securing the South Wall.

"But what about the scream? We all heard it." I over heard Mrs. Flincher saying to my dad.

"The kid probably shrieked and scared himself. He's never been the sharpest tool in the shed."

"You may be right, but I need to know for certain. I have five children, three of which have seen a planet and the other two couldn't remember if they tried. You can't blame them for being jumpy. I'm jumpy too and need to know that my kids are safe here."

"Fine, I'll go check it out," my dad gave in.

I rushed over to him, "Can I come?" I pleaded.

"Sure pip squeak, you can come."

We began walking over to the bushes and weren't even halfway there when four if the plants started moving. A few moments later a strange creature stood up and stared at us.

I screamed.

Three others stood as well and they all ran off.

Just as they were disappearing over a hill a group of twenty or more stood up only a few feet away from us.

They were huge.

The first ones had been about the size of my dad who was six foot, but these were almost eight or nine feet.

They too ran off to join the others and we just stood there and stared at the now empty bushes.

Was this planet as safe as we'd thought?

Sorry it's short. I'll make the next one longer.

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