Intruders on Yanmildin

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In this chapter you will meet our other main charactor and I will continue to switch perspectives throughout the story.

A loud rumbling woke me and I leapt out of bed to see the cause of the noise.

I ran up the stairs and out of my house (we live underground). The hills were crowded with truphies that had heard the noise.

My name's Lynnae and I'm a truphie from my home planet Yanmildin. If you don't already know, a truphie is a being with four arms, two legs, one head, and three eyes. In place of ears we have a hole in our forehead. We don't have the best hearing due to our fur. I have bright orange fur, but we can vary in any color from red, orange, yellow, and blue that dulls in brightness as we grow older. We have lifespans that go up to 517 or more, but our eldest died at 517 on the dot. Oh, and (of course) we have mouths with sharp teeth and two nostrils, but no nose.
So, all in all, we're your everyday truphies, undisturbed on Yanmildin for thousands of years.

That all ended today.

I looked up at six large ships descending a few miles away from our homes.We'd never had intruders before, but here were these alien space crafts landing on our planet. This was unexpected to say the least. Despite only being fifteen and two weeks old, I knew thus was unheard of.

I sawbsome grown-ups getting worried and ran over to my parents.

"What's going on Mum?" I asked, frantic.

"I don't know honey, but we'll figure in out. We always do."

I saw my father putting together a search group to find out what was going on and who these new creatures were.

"Can I go Mum?"

"Absolutely not. We need you to stay safe and until we figure out what is going on you are to stay here. Understand?"

I nodded.

I then ran over to my best friend, Ulani, and her twin brother, Zyon.

"We're going, right?" She asked, already knowing why I was there.

"Yep, where’s Riggs?"

"I'll get him." Zyon said, going to find our final friend.

The four of us had known each other our entire lives and were inseparable.

Once the boys joined us we snuck around the growing crowd and followed the search group ahead of us.

We saw them stop to hide in a clump of bushes a stone's throw away from the mysterious space crafts and, using the hills for cover, we moved to a different clump a few feet away.

I saw a tree in the center with orange leaves almost the exact shade of my fur. I scrambled up and hid amongst the branches, spying.

I saw a figure exit the shuttle and look around.

I gasped. Two arms! Only two arms! Whoever these aliens were, they weren't truphies.

I watched the figure go back in the ship and several more came out carrying large crates

A few minutes later they started building some sort of shelter. I leaned forward to get a closer look and to my horror slipped.

With a loud screech I tumbled out of the tree and landed flat on my back.

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