Matx - prologue

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"I'm sure you heard me."

"You gotta be kidding me!"

"I am not."

"Are you sick?"

"No. I can gurantee you about my health."

"No, are you dying?"

"Once again, I am not."

"Then why you said that to me?"

"Because I liked you enough?"

"Fuck it! You know what, liked never enough."

"I also can gurantee you that it's enough."

"Fuck you, Prada!" Cesa mengusap wajahnya kasar. "You're my bestfriend, how could you do that to me?"

"I'm not concerning about us being bestfriend, what come to my mind is, you're single and I'm single, so why not try to be more serious with life?"

Cesa tertawa hambar. More serious about life katanya? Padahal ia yang membuat hidup seperti pertunjukkan komedi. Betapa lucunya.

"More serious about life? Prada you are the one who came out with this joke!"

"I'm not joking."

"Then why the hell you ask me that?! Oh my fucking God, I'm going insane!"

"Listen to me, why don't we just try it?"

"For fuck sake what you asking me to do is marriage and I know that I'm probably the most unbother person you have ever met but when it came to marriage, I never want to make it as a joke like you do right now!"

"Cesa, dengar aku—"




"Oke, gue gak lagi bercanda."

"Sounds like it."

"Aku ud—"


"Gue udah tigapuluh tahun ini dan bunda minta gue buat nikah."

"Yaudah sana nikah. Tapi jangan sama gue. Lo tau sendiri hidup gue kayak apa, meski bunda lo baik banget sama gue, gue gak yakin dia bisa nerima gue sebagai mantunya."

"Kita coba du—"

"Ditambah lo sama kakak gue gak akur. Gimana mungkin lo bisa ada pikiran buat ngajak gue nikah? Hah?"

"Lo juga udah tigapuluh tahun—"

"That's not bother me at all Pradana Airlangga! You must know that I'm living my best life and I'm fucking like it alone. Please, don't bother to worry about me."


"Let's just end this conversation right here. I'm having enough of your bullshit already. Meet me after you sober."



"At least let me try."

"Listen, you're my bestfriend. I know people said that relationship between a man and a woman always end up in marriage or be left for marriage. But I don't want us in any of that."

"Then you don't want to marriage in your whole life?"

"I think I'm good with that phrase."

"No, Cesa! People get marriage when they get old. So that they are having partner to spend their old year together. Did you want a pitty life alone?"

Air mata Cesa turun. Entah mengapa ia tidak suka Prada mengatakan itu.

"Well, no." Cesa berlari dan memeluk Prada dengan tangisan yang tak bisa di tahannya.

"But I can't married to you either."

I'm sorry. again.
Aku kemarin baca lagi cerita aku yang dare me dan nyocokin keadaan sama ph dan it doesn't make any sense. ph ancur banget. jadi aku memutuskan buat hold ph dulu sampai aku nemu jalan tengah buat selesaiin cerita itu. meanwhile, enjoy Cesa and Prada.

maaf banget karena hampir 100% part ini pakai bahasa inggris. karena aku kurang bisa menyampaikan sesuatu yang menurutku agak krusial pakai bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. semoga kalian bisa memaklumi dan menyukai cerita ini.

sorry again xoxo

old notes, hope you like the new story, all chapters will be available only on Wattpad :)

Perfectly MatchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang