Chapter 14 - Journey Home

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I spent most of the day on and off sobbing by myself in my room. By the time I finally calmed down and wiped my face, night had fallen.

Y/T: 'I'm getting out of here! I refuse to marry that stupid goose tomorrow!'

I stand up and dust myself off, staring at myself in my full body mirror for a second.

Y/T: 'I resign from being a princess...'

I sighed before taking my crown off and leaving it on my dresser. Before leaving my room, I change my outfit to look more like a common person. I put on a cloak and hood before sneaking out of my room.

Y/T: 'It's a long way to the demon castle. I'll need some supplies.'

I quickly and quietly headed down to the pantry to get some rations. I froze when I heard a voice behind me.

Mother: "Who's there?! Turn around... slowly..."

Y/T: 'Damn it...'

I did as she said. She gasped.

Mother: "Y/N? What are you doing? Why are you dressed as a common traveller?"

Y/N: "Mother, I- I......"

Tears filled her eyes, and she hugged me.

Mother: "It's alright, my love. The look on your face when Aiden brought you back was all I needed to see. That was the expression of a broken heart."

My eyes filled with tears too.

Y/N: "Mother..."

She pulled back, looked me in the eyes and wiped her thumb across my cheek.

Mother: "So, who's the lucky demon who's earned my daughter's heart?"

Y/N: "Twilight... the demon king..."

She smiled.

Mother: "You love each other?"

I nodded.

Mother: "Then go back to him. I'll run interference with Aiden and your father. Do you have your crown?"

Y/N: "No. I left it in my room."

Mother: "Good. That's what Preston used to create that wormhole to you."

She hugged me one last time.

Mother: "I love you so much, Y/N. Have fun."

Y/N: "*sniff* Thanks, mama. I love you too."

I left out the back and ran straight in the direction of the demon castle. I travelled for the next two nights, getting quite far for someone on foot. By dawn on the second day, I thought my legs were going to crumble.

Y/T: 'So tired... but must keep going...'

Along the road ahead of me, I saw a man with a cart, watering his horse.

Y/N: "Excuse me, sir."

Traveling Farmer: "Why, hello, young miss. Are you here by your lonesome?"

Y/N: "Yes."

Traveling Farmer: "Well, what can I do for you?"

Y/N: "I wanted to ask where you were headed."

Traveling Farmer: "I'm on my way to Endopolis to sell my goods."

Y/T: 'Endopolis? That's the human town nearest to the demon castle!'

Forbidden Demon Love (Demon King x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now