Chapter Three

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This chapter will contain some texting
Sirius will be in bold
And Remus in italic

( same day when they finished working and everybody was about to leave)

"Say Remus, how about we spend some time together, this afternoon?" Sirius asked
"I'd like that" said Remus. At that, a relieved, genuinely happy smile graced Sirius lips, and it did things to Remus' heart.
"Great! It's a date then!" winked Sirius "See you later Moony" he chanted happily.


"Oh my GOD Lily, what should i W E A R??" cried Remus for the 100th time that day.
"Did he tell you where you're going?" she asked
"Well then ask him!"
"but HOW?" whined Remus

Just then, Remus's phone vibrated

Hey darling it's Sirius;)

Oh hey! How did you get my number?

I have my own ways
And I'll be picking you up from your house at 4:30 good ?

Yeah, but where are we going?
I don't know what to wear :(

Can't tell u where
ButT something casual should be finee

Okay, I'll send you my address
*location sent*


30 minutes later, Sirius was knocking on Remus' door. When it finally opened, Sirius jaw immediately fell to the floor. Remus was wearing an oversized, forest green jumper, complimenting his amber eyes, and brown jeans matching his curly hair. He looked so adorable, Sirius had to resist the urge to squash him in a hug. The light on his face giving his hair a golden hue, and making his freckles more noticeable.
Clearing his throat, Sirius gestured to his motorcycle, and linked his arms with Remus's.

"No way I'm riding this death machine" Remus protested.
"Come onn, don't be a granny! You're NOT going to die. Don't you trust me?" asked Sirius.
"No i don't! We literally met less than two days ago!"
"Yet, you agreed to go on a date with me" Sirius winked.
"Out of pity" Remus replied. Upon seeing the hurt that flashed in Sirius' eyes. Remus smiled lightly and nudged him gently "Come on, that bike isn't going to ride itself"
That seemed to bring back Sirius' excitement and they took off. Remus behind Sirius nuzzling on his back, his face hiding in the crook of Sirius' neck. He inhaled his scent, and it somehow helped calming his rapidly beating heart.

Soon, they came to a stop at what looked like a private beach. There, laid a blanket and some cushions, in the middle laid a small table some food, obviously pastries and some drinks were on top of it .
It was so beautiful that it made Remus insides warm and fuzzy. (let's just ignore that the author sucks at describing things, basically it looks like the photo in the beginning of this chapter, except the food  is slightly different)  He looked at Sirius, who was smiling sheepishly, he had obviously put much time and effort on their first date, wanting it to be something memorable.
Not that he would want to go out with you again. A voice in Remus' head maliciously whispered, and Remus agreed with it. You're nobody, not compared to this greek god. He'll never see you, he kept reminding himself.

His trance however, was interrupted by a gentle touch on his shoulder and soft grey eyes gazing lovingly at him, although a bit worried.
"Are you okay Rem ?" asked Sirius, concerned.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm alright. Let's go then" said Remus, internally freaking out : He called me Rem. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG Oh my god, I'm ready to die in peace now... wait. HIS HAND IS STILL ON MY SHOULDER, KISS ME ALREADY YOU PIECE OF HEAVENDHALWT8PQRULADHMAFBSGKARUULfh.,, '"(=@47=$-!":!dhebamak

They began to walk towards the picnic area, so Sirius, reluctantly, let go of Remus shoulder, the latter instantly missing the warmth of Sirius' hand.

The picnic itself was amazing, the dessert and pastries and sauces to dip the pastries in were mouth watering, obviously something very fancy Remus can never afford. They talked about everything thing and nothing. Remus learnt that James and Sirius were technically brothers, glued to hip since children and live with each other currently too. And Sirius about Remus' obsession with chocolate and the moon.

Soon, the sun was setting ( with colors Remus didn't know existed) and they were gazing at it. Well, Remus gazing at the sunset, Sirius' eyes were busy, mesmerized by the boy next, wishing he could crave this moment in his memory.

Somewhere along the line, their hands were laced.
" beautiful, isn't it?" breathed Remus
"yeah" said Sirius, not taking his eyes off Remus, a different meaning behind his words. Remus turned around to look at Sirius, only to catch him already staring back, and his breath caught. Their closeness feeling like miles and all they wanted was to close the distance.
Inside Remus, it was pure chaos, a war declared between his heart and his brain, only one could win, he closed his eyes and leaned in, his brain was screaming STOP! Abort the mission! Too late. Their lips met, Sirius froze, and for a moment, Remus panicked, then he kissed back and fireworks erupted. Remus was hesitant at first, having little to no experience, letting Sirius guide him through the kiss. Shortly after , he took over, much less gently than Sirius did, startling the dark haired boy for a second before opening his mouth slightly, an invitation. Soon, each tongue was exploring the other's mouth, marking it's territory. Eventually, they parted for air, Sirius's pupils were so dilated, you can barely see the silver in them, his cheeks flushed and lips swollen. Remus was sure he looked the same. He then smiled and Sirius swore the sun shined a second time that day. 

Super cliché i know, I don't regret it tho

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