chapter 3

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It was 7 o'clock and just as it turned 7 you could hear a horse riding into the estate. You looked out to see who you thought it was Colonel Brandon. You smiled with such joy. " y/n could you please great our guests at the door" you thought to your self 'guests but its just the colonel and Elizabeth's family, Oh well I suppose she has invited some of her friends or maybe my other sister' well I didn't think to much about it, Until I opened the door to a man who was definitely not the colonel, He was short, I just shrugged it off. I greeted him " good afternoon sir" I curtseyed and he bowed his head, I couldn't see his face until he took his hat off, I realized it was Mr Balmer when he said " what a pleasant surprise my dear" as he said in his usual wobbly voice. My face went pale and I felt a sickness in my stomach.

How did he know I was here, why was he here and who told him I was here. I came out off my day dream when he said " Well my dear wont you walk me in" I shook my self and put on a polite smile, " of course sir" as I was leading him to the drawing room I heard an other knock on the door. I felt a slight bit of relief as Mr Balmer was about to start a conversation "please excuse me sir I must go a get that" I said as he nodded and gave me smile so ugly my spine shivered 

I went to the door and not to my surprise it was the colonel with a freshly picked bouquet of flowers, " hello colonel. Are those for me" I had the biggest smile ever, how adorable this was " yes the are miss y/n" the colonel said in his low handsome voice. I took them and gave them to one of the maids to put in a vase in my bedroom. The colonel reached his arm out " shall we" he said and I nodded. I rapped my arm around his and we walked together to the drawing room. The colonel opened the door for me and we walked in all eyes were on us. 

"y/n why don't you play us something" Elizabeth said with a big grin on her face "of course" I walked over to the piano and started to play fur Elise by Beethoven. As I played the last note the colonel shot right up and started clapping with the others but I had only noticed him as his was the only opinion I cared about. After everyone finished clapping dinner was announced ready.

I grabbed the colonels arm and as I did I could see Mr Balmer wasn't quite pleased I honestly couldn't care. The colonel pulled my chair out and as I was sitting pushed it in for me, He gave me quite a charming smile which made my cheeks go bright red. "So colonel how were the west indies" I asked looking at him, he leaned close to my ear and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear "the air is full of spices" I smiled and could feel the butterflies in my stomach " I would love to go there sometime, In fact you could take me"  I said " it would be my honour to take you some day " 

Dinner past by quick most of the time I talked to colonel Brandon but was usually interrupted by a certain some called Mr Balmer. As everyone was leaving I got a chance to talk to the colonel on my own " will you be going to the ball at Mrs Jennings estate?" the colonel asked me " I'm not quite sure colonel, if to be quite frank I do not know of a Mrs Jennings" " why she is your neighbour she lives a mile away from here. Your sister will know her and if you are not in the invitation I have a plus one, Would you like to be my plus one Y/n?" " " why of course i would love to what time shall you come for me" " around 6. Now I best be off" i walked him to the door and i gave him a courtesy and he a bow. I watched as he rode off into  the night. 

What was this feeling I couldn't be in love I promised i would never because of mother. I walked to my room and started to get ready for bed. As I was getting ready my head filled with thoughts about Brandon , how sweet he was, how charming and harmless and was this feeling really love  I shock my self and went to bed. 

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