chap 4

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I woke up bright and early the next morning hoping to go out on a ride on hanz to explore this beautiful country side, You always did love exploring it took your mind off everything. You got dressed and sneaked out so your sister wouldn't pester you about being lady like and so i wouldn't have to do my hair for going out riding. It felt so much better to go out riding, your hair flowing in the wind while you felt the cool breeze against your skin, that was always your favourite thing. As I kept riding I could see this beautiful tree right by this beautiful lake that glistened by the suns reflection. I went done there and tied hanz to a branch. I took off my shoes and pulled my dress up to my knees and went to the waters age, Then I sat done and dipped my feet in the water, oh how the water was warm it felt so amazing while the sun shined on to you making you feel warm and when you felt to warm a breeze would cool you down.

I had fallen into a day dream wondering about life and what could happen next not noticing a certain man behind me until he came over and gave me a slight tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see the handsome colonel Brandon " fancy seeing you here Miss Y/n. And what would your sister make of you with your hair undone" he said with quite a stern voice, I quickly got up " colonel you wont tell my sister will you" " of course not I was only teasing you" a big sigh of relief came over me. "I never knew you could ride" he said " ah well colonel as you see I am a lady of many talents" I said while laughing and so did he. " ah now I see are you by any chance talented in archery" " now that colonel will be something you shall teach me" whispering into his ear " would you care for a lesson now my lady" we both laughed " why of course dear sir I would be very obliged" I said with a very put on posh voice as colonel Brandon had done. He reached his arm out and I accepted by warping my arm around his and then walking me to my horse then helping me up.

"lead the way dear sir" I said trying not to laugh. We rode off into the sun and after 20 minutes arrived at his estate, I was in shock it was so beautiful I could tell he put a lot of work into his estate. I gave hanz to the stable boy, the colonel offered me his arm and I kindly accepted. I walked in and the inside was even more beautiful than the outside, he invited me in to the lounge. As I was walking in I walked over to the window the view was beautiful and suddenly noticed a man riding towards Brandon's estate. " colonel there seems to be a man heading this way shall we meet him he might be in need of some help" I said while watching the man get closer and closer. The colonel came over to see for him self, as soon as he caught sight of who it was he gasped and ran as I followed behind him my mind started to wonder. Who was this mysterious man and why did the colonel run as soon as he caught glimpse of him.

We got to the door as the man got off his horse and ran to the colonel whispering something in his ear, as soon as he heard what the man had told him he turned around and grabbed his hat and coat, he then called for his horse. while getting on it he turned to me and said " dear y/n I am truly sorry urgent matters call for me I shall see you soon, Gooday" he said while nodding to me and then ridding off. What could that man have said to him to make him leave in such a panic. I called for my horse and rode home, on the journey my mind wondered to what had happened. With out knowing 20 minutes or so had passed by and i had arrived at my sisters estate with her outside waiting for me. " Ahh I see you have decided to give us the pleasure of your arrival" she said in a sarcastic tone " Yes I have indeed, please forgive me I was outriding and accidentally bumped into the colonel " I whispered while giving her puppy eyes, "well you are forgiven. Now run up and get changed we have guests for dinner" she said while eyeing me up and down as I got off hanz. When all of a sudden I had heard a gasp "Y/N look at your petticoats they are drenched with mud" she growled at me, " sorry sister I shall get them all clean don't you worry its only a bit of mud" I said while smirking at her. 

as I was walking down stairs for dinner after getting changed I could hear  a man and a women making quite a fuss laughing and teasing. As I got to the end of the stairs I realized it was Mrs Jennings and Sir John. Mrs Jennings saw me peak my head out and got up and ran to the door to great me with such joy as if I had given her a large sum of money. "come dear sit next to me and tell me everything" she said with such joy as I looked at her with the face of confusion, "what should I tell you" I said with a tone of confusion and curiosity, " who don't play silly you know of the certain admire you have and who you admire" she said while laughing " please forgive me but I do not have any admirers and I..I..I don't have anyone on my mind. I do not know who told you this but you have been miss informed" I stuttered in the end thinking of the person that had come in mind when she had asked. As I lifted my head I could see Mrs Jennings was disappointed. "Now dear you can not keep secrets from me for I will find out and I already have in mind on what is on yours" she said while looking for my reaction on my face " Please excuse me for I have lost my appetite and wish to go lay down" I said while storming out, as I was leaving I could see the fury on my sisters face for my storming out.   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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