Straight Cold Boy & Gay Nerd 2

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I'll soon write the other requests as well. Thnx for waiting patiently 💜

First read this & the smut of this chp is posted on koogiggles


Continuation of the Request by sleepykookoo04🗿 (3.2K+ words)

Pt 2 of the prev chp

Jungkook finally realizes his feelings for Taehyung and decides to accept that he's head over heels for the boy.

Meanwhile Taehyung is making his homophobic bully, Sungho question his sexuality as well.

God save me please! He pleaded internally when his eyes met again with the smirking Sungho.

"S-Sungho please leave me", Taehyung pleaded.

"Then how will I have fun?", Sungho fake pouted.

Why is he so close to Taehyung?! And how dare he bully my- I mean Taehyung Jungkook gritted his teeth.

Jungkook and Sungho were friends. Not that close but still "friends".

Jungkook wanted to save Taehyung but at the same time he didn't want to seem suspicious.

After having an inner war of thoughts when he saw Taehyung looking scared and tears that came out of his precious doe eyes, Jungkook couldn't control himself anymore.

His heart pierced seeing Taehyung like that. He felt an ugly feeling seeing him like that and anger rose up in his body.

No matter how I hate being close to you Taehyung I won't let him or anyone hurt you! Geez I hate seeing you sad Jungkook made his way towards Sungho and the cute nerd.

"Hey Sungho! What do you think about hanging out today? As it's been a while you know", Jungkook looked straight at Sungho not even glancing at Taehyung.

As he knew his heart would shatter seeing his crying face.

"But Lemme have my time with this-", Sungho was cut off by Jungkook's glare.

"I said let's go play football", Jungkook said in a very sweet voice while gritting his teeth.

"Why? Where's Jimin and the others?", Sungho asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Jimin & the rest had some work with the teachers so they can't- Come on let's go Sungho", Jungkook groaned in frustration.

"Ok", Sungho said while rolling his eyes.

"I'll see you later, Taehyungie", Sungho looked over at Taehyung and then turned towards Jungkook who was glaring daggers at him.

Taehyung felt disgusted when he heard the nickname. He didn't like the nicknames which Sungho often called him which . He would rather prefer Sungho swearing at him than the disgusting nicknames.

Jungkook gave a tight smile to Sungho before leaving from there with Sungho.

He was burning with anger.

How dare he call him with a nickname?! Taehyung clearly didn't like it his hands curled into fists but still decided to stay calm in order to look less suspicious.

"Taehyung is really beautiful though-", Sungho unconsciously muttered his thoughts loudly.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he gave a why-are-you-saying-that look to him.

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