Chapter 61 - 70

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Chapter 61: Eradicating All Trace

Seeing the figures scrambling away hastily in escape, Feng Jiu's lips curled up in a sinister smile.

"Once you step in here, do not dream of going back alive!"

The moment her voice fell, the figure of Feng Jiu flashed into a red blur, like a ghostly spirit cutting through the dark night sky towards the two running figures, the dagger in her hand held in a reverse grip shone with a chilling bloodthirsty gleam. The next moment, the red figure flashed past the two men running for their lives and blood sprayed, the bodies of the two men froze a moment, before falling back into the yard.

'Thud, thud.'

There were no signs a fight had taken place left behind, and the killing had not alarmed anybody. The lives of the four black market mercenaries had been robbed from them under Feng Jiu's hands quietly and silently…..

Facing into the wind, Feng Jiu's eyes were narrowed. She looked at the four dead corpses in the yard and her gaze dimmed.

Mystical cultivators needed to be equipped with martial arts besides cultivating their mystical powers. Only when both aspects are joined together could a mystical Warrior be able to bring out the best qualities and exhibit the greatest power. As for her, her had already reached the early levels of the mystical Warrior stage. And adding that to her high proficiency in assassination and astounding skills martial combat, taking on all these mystical Warriors from this tiny town did not pose a problem for her.

But, if she leaves the town, that insignificant bit of powers would need to be raised up. Otherwise, if she encountered an enemy much stronger than her one day, she would be passively placed at the mercy of others, to be slaughtered as people wished.

Leaping down to land in the yard, she rummaged through the several sets of corpses and only managed to find the same black badge from all of them, and carved into the badges, were the characters that said, "Black Market Mercenary".

"Black Market?"

She muttered softly to herself, searching through her mind for any information about the black market.

But, the previous Feng Qing Ge had obviously seldom come in contact with such places as there was almost no information at all about the black market in her brain.

"Looks like I will have to make a trip to the black market." She curled up her lips into a smile. She retrieved a bottle of liquid from within the Spatial Ring she had previously concocted and poured it over the four dead bodies on the ground.

A sizzling sound could be heard and the four corpses began to bubble and sizzle with light fumes dissipating into the air. The corpses quickly turned into a bloody puddle and soon, all that was left behind were four sets of black clothes lying there in a crumpled heap…..

Next Day

Guan Xi Lin came walking out massaging the back of his neck, feeling rather puzzled why he had fallen into such a deep sleep last night.

He raised his head and saw Feng Jiu practising some soft and willowy style of martial arts and he could not help himself but laugh aloud. "Little Jiu, martial arts are not done like that."

As he spoke, he came to stand beside her and lowered his body slightly to demonstrate a horse stance. He then said: "Look, when practising martial arts, your lower body must be stable, fists tightly clenched, put your strength into your punches, shout out when you throw the punch, and the power from your entire body will be packed into your punch. In this way, there will be strong power behind your punches. If you continue doing it the way you just did, you will fall from just a single punch against your enemies."

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