The Invitation

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Riley, Flynn and Willow are sitting on the couch watching Netflix when suddenly the doorbell rings, Willow gets up and answers the door it's the postman. He hands her a letter she says thankyou closes the door and walks back to the couch ripping open the letter the three of them have been invited to a party in the middle of the woods.

Riley says "why not, let's go'. They pack the essential things (phones, wallets, and snacks, Etc). They grab their stuff and head to the car Willow says she'll drive to the woods.

On the way up to the woods the three of them discuss what kind of person lives in the woods, Riley recons "some crazy psycho person probably lives in the middle of a forest", they all start laughing. 

They continue to drive and their getting really hungry cause they skipped breakfast so they could make it to the party in time. Willow spots a nice fast food place coming up so they stop there for an hour, Riley orders a triple cheese burger, Willow orders the Big Bird burger and Flynn orders the Bacon Deluxe from Burger Chef.

They hop back on the road and Willow's feeling tired so Riley takes the wheel and starts speeding down the road to get to the party on time and then he starts to dose of and nearly drives into tree, but Flynn quickly grabs the wheel and steers us back onto the road he wakes up Riley and get him to pull over and they swap so Riley can sleep. 

Willow wakes up and asks Flynn how far we from the mansion Flynn answers "it's just over this hill and round the corner so nearly there". They finally arrive at the mansion and see someone standing out front the mansion. 

They pull up and get out the car the person standing out front the mansion introduces herself "Hi, I'm Zoee, I thought it be fun to invite a few people to a party were we can make as much noise as we can, Let's go inside there's four other people standing inside the mansion Zoee introduces us to everyone the two people sitting at the table, are Nik and Amy, the person sitting on the stairs looking art their phone that's Kate, and then we've got Kenny who's sitting on the couch in front of the fire on his laptop editing some videos.

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