I want an ocean view, somewhere

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All of my friends are settling down
They're only kids but they're married now
Let's follow the lights, follow the crowd
Baby we got to get out
Let's get out of this town
I want an ocean view, somewhere
As long as I'm next to you, I don't care
I don't wanna live my life in circles
I just wanna find an empty road
Let's get away from here, let's go
All of my friends are settling down
They're only kids but they're married now
Let's follow the lights, follow the crowd
Baby we got to get out
Let's get out of this town
All of my friends are settling down
They're only kids but they're married now
Let's follow the lights, follow the crowd
Baby we got to get out
Let's get out of this town
Let's get out of this town
Let's go
Let's go
Let's get out of this town
Let's go
Let's get out of this town
Let's get out of this town
Let's get out of this town
Let's get out of this town



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It took two more days of travel to reach the cliffs that overlooked Djerholm.

Djerholm's harbour was crowded with ships, but its tidy streets marched to the water in orderly fashion, and the houses were painted in cheerful colours. Even the warehouses by the quay were colourful. It looked the way they'd imagined cities as a child, everything candy-hued and in its proper place.

They glanced up to where the Ice Court stood like a great white sentinel on a massive cliff overlooking the harbour. Matthias had called the cliffs unscalable. They seemed impossibly high.

"Cannon," said Jesper.

Kaz squinted up at the big guns pointed out at the bay. "I've broken into banks, warehouses, mansions, museums, vaults, a rare book library, and once the bedchamber of a visiting Kaelish diplomat whose wife had a passion for emeralds. But I've never had a cannon shot at me."

Aeolian pressed her lips together. "Hopefully, it won't come to that."

Jesper nodded in agreement, even though he loves a challenge. He'd rather not be shot by a cannon.

They slipped easily into the traffic of travellers. Signs of Hringkälla celebrations were everywhere.

"What are they?" Wylan asked, pausing in front of a peddler's cart laden with wreaths made of the same twisting branches and silver ribbons.

"What are they?" Wylan asked, pausing in front of a peddler's cart laden with wreaths made of the same twisting branches and silver ribbons

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