chapter one | pals

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•"𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕤𝕥."•

PERHAPS IT WAS the toxicity of my ex that left me jaded. The years long hurtful sting of betrayal and manipulation opened up a void in my chest so barren and frightening that even a black hole would cower in its quake. It was the subtle yet persistent feeling of being trapped by his lies and emotional abuse that caused a never-ending war of hurt and happy to wage in my heart for the majority of our relationship. Did I love him? Yes. Was he an asshole? Definitely. Did I waste four years of my life on him? Maybe. Or maybe that four-year stint of misery provided me the experience which turned me into the person I am today. That person is someone who is opposed to–no–repulsed by the idea of romantic love.

When I finally gathered the courage to pack my stuff and leave the house, he was on his knees, whimpering like man-child while he spat out a pathetic excuse of an apology for cheating on me for the umpteenth time. It was then that I became determined to live a different life. A life filled not with ooey, gooey, mushy romantic love, but one of freedom, openness, and exploration. At that moment I decided to seek fulfillment through well-established friendships, my important and thrilling work as a kunoichi, and by sleeping with whoever the hell I wanted.

Was it the healthiest of coping mechanisms? Probably not, but the void of being hurt by the man you loved most in this world was an exceptionally difficult one to fill. No matter how much of an asshole he was.

No wonder Kakashi hated the guy.

"I can just tell he's not a good guy, y/n. He's gonna break your heart.." He would warn me. Before I even had the slightest inkling, Kakashi knew the outcome. I half wondered if his Sharingan also made him a fortune-teller. Or maybe he just had really good instincts.

Well, unfortunately Kakashi ended up being right and it took me four long years to learn an important, vital, integral life lesson:

Men. Ain't. Shit.

In the world of dating men, it was all too commonplace to run into emotional unavailability and disloyalty. It was then that I decided men were only good for sleeping with sometimes, albiet women were much more appealing to me nowadays save the occasional exception of a particularly cute boy that would captivate my attention once in a while.

Essentially, that's how I found myself, two years post dramatic break up, exchanging wanting glances with the hottest of girls from across the bar, about to make my move to go and flirt with her because I could sense her energy matched mine.

Only I had one problem, I had to get rid of the silver haired jonin sitting next to me.

Kakashi Hatake. My confidant. My pal. He's the man whose shoulder I could cry on, the man who gave me a place to stay when I left my ex until I could get on my feet. We had known each other since the dawn of our youth, through our days in the academy, through our time training under Minato-sensei, and through our time on Team Ro with him as my ANBU Captain.

He was my best friend. He was someone I trusted wholeheartedly and someone I cared for dearly.

But currently, I had deemed him the third wheel between me and this woman I had decided I was going to take home for the night. He was cramping my style.

"Kakashi.." my face was warm and tingling with the sip I took from my fruity alcoholic beverage. It was the sip that finally sent me over the edge from being buzzed to now being tipsy,"Don't look now, but do you think I have a chance with that girl over there?" I subtlety nodded my head in the direction of the blonde bombshell who had left a pouty pink lipstick stain on the glass of her own adult beverage.

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