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Buna, buna, dragii mei castori! Stiu ca inca asteptati capitole noi chiar si dupa atatia ani, asa ca trebuie sa va dezamagesc inca o data, fiindca vin cu o rugaminte.

Am postat in aceasta seara, desi ma simt mai pierduta ca niciodata, desi in viata mea nu ma gandeam ca voi putea trece printr-o furtuna emotionala atat de mare si sa am atatea probleme fara solutii, un capitol la o carte la care am lucrat inca de anul trecut. Cartea am publicat-o pe Anystories si este in engleza. Stiu ca este un pas mare sa semii-renunt la wattpad insa cred ca acea aplicatie imi poate oferi mai multe avantaje avand in vedere situatia financiara in care ma aflu acum.

Va voi lasa aici linkul, si in comentarii, si am marea rugaminte sa imi dati un vot si un comentariu, pentru a o putea introduce in algoritm. Momentan nu apare nici daca o caut separat pe aplicatie. Va multumesc din toata inima pentru ajutorul pe care mi l-ati oferit in tot anii astia si pentru sursa de speranta pe care mi-ati dat-o in pofida a orice s-a intamplat in viata mea. Va iubesc mult!

Daca veti dori sa o cititi, as aprecia enorm cate o parere lasata in comentarii!

Cartea se numeste Blind Date with the Billionaire si acesta este synopsisul:

Victoria Montrose was a name known and feared by corporations all over the world, but even in her birthplace no one knew the person behind the name. The media has tried and failed for years to get a glimpse of the enigmatic personality, with no bad history and not one description concerning how she looks or what life was like for the 30 under 30 Forbes billionaire.

But what happens when the woman behind the name finally accepts her friend's begging and goes to a blind date with another 30 under 30, the hot, cocky and very arrogant, very well known billionaire bachelor Elliott Cavendish?

He does not do dates if they don't involve a good fuck.

She would never sleep with a man without a clean medical bill and several NDA's.

They say London is a foggy cold city, but what happens when everything seem to turn hot, hot, hot? Watch out, Elliott, or you might just meet your match made in hell.



Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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