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As thanks for saving his daughter, the Indian Chief invited Peter, Maggie, the rest of the Darling children, and the Lost Boys to a pow wow of some sort. Maggie smiled sitting back on a log as all the boys danced and played and sang with the other Indian children. All the kids were dressed in Indian wear and make up. Even Maggie had been given a new set of clothes. That being of a deer skin draped skirt, that had enough fabric for her to still move around in, and a short hooded cloak, matching brown with her skirt. 

“How’s your cheek?” Peter asked, coming up behind Maggie and sitting beside her on the log.

“It’s alright” Maggie shrugged, not wanting to make a huge problem from it.

Peter looked over the small girl. She truly was small, especially for her age. When he looked over her soft pale skin, he truly started to see all the cuts and bruises the battle at the Black Castle had caused her. He had it in his mind to help her fix all of it up, but the two of them were being called over to start the ceremony. The elder of their tribe started to sing as she stitched up Michaels teddy, who had sadly lost his head in the fight. Tiger Lily sat near the front playing instruments to accompany the chanting. Maggie grinned softly as she noticed Tiger Lilly making eyes at John. 

“She’s calling forth the spirit of the eagle, to heal the warrior” Peter explained to Maggie with a hushed voice. 

With a few final words, the chant ended.

“The warrior is healed” Peter finished

Michael reached forwards to grab his teddy. The boys in front of Maggie were muttering amongst themselves, and Maggie made a point of nudging them with her ankle to quiet them, she was the mother after all. 

Suddenly the Indians broke out in loud singing, and everyone left the large tent to sing and dance together again. 

Maggie started to dance, but someone tapped her shoulder. She spun around to see Peter running off into the forest. Maggie followed after him confused.


He shushed her quietly, waving her over as he sunk down into the bushes with a grin. Maggie walked through the leaves and bushes to find him.

“Peter?” she called out, not too loud.

The girl yelped as she was pulled down onto the forest floor, and Peter started to crawl away without another word. Maggie looked in front of her, to see a multitude of small dancing lights, all herding towards a large tree. They were fairies, no doubt in it. Maggie smiled brightly, she’d of course never seen anything like this. Maggie didn’t notice at that moment, but Peter was smiling as well, at her. The young boy gently took the young girl's hand in hers, lifting her to her feet so the two could fly over to the tree.

Inside they found even more fairies, all dancing around in the air, having a get together of sorts. Peter looked back at the smiling girl, her face lightened up by the light of the fairies. Peter quickly whipped his head forwards, a dull look crossing his face as Maggie turned to look at him, but she’d seen him move out of the corner of her eye, and it made her smile all the more brighter.

While watching the fairies Peter got an idea. He slowly moved away from the tree, stepping a few paces along a large tree branch low to the ground. Maggie watched him, moving gracefully to stand in front of him. 

Peter stood up straighter than normal, bending slightly, performing a rather formal bow. Maggie chuckled quietly, crossing her ankles and returning him with a clumsy curtsy, that made Peter grin. He extended a hand out to her, which she took, holding it in the air, as she rested her other hand on his shoulder, his other hand met her waist. The two sawyed for a moment before they were floating in the air, and started to waltz together. Neither were that good at dancing, but in that moment it didn’t matter. It was merely the two of them, gliding through the air, spinning slowly as a cascade of fairies flew around them. It was the most perfect moment either child had ever lived.

But it seemed, that the most beautiful of moments could not last, even in Neverland. As Maggie felt a large weight fall on her shoulders, her face fell, and her body started to sink back to earth, along with her thoughts. Peter followed in toe, concerned for the girl, wondering what had burdened her so quickly. 

“Maggie?” Peter spoke softly, approaching the troubled girl.

“It’s only make believe, that you and I are-...” the girl trailed off

“Oh… well yes” Peter sighed, feeling troubled himself “You see, it would make me seem so old to be a real father” 

“Peter” Maggie murmerd “What are your real, feelings?”

“Feelings?” Peter questioned, not liking the sound of where this was going.

“What do you feel?” Maggie reiterated “You know. Happiness, sadness… jealousy”

“Jealousy?” Peter asked “Tink!” that was the best explanation he could find for that feeling


“Anger” Peter copied. The sound a snapping branch made both children whip their heads in it’s direction, guards instantly up “Hook” Peter affirmed

“Love” Maggie added, the word rolling off her tongue before she could catch it.

“Love?” Peter questioned

“Love” Maggie nodded

Peter stiffened, an upset look etching his face

“I have never heard of it” he hissed

“I think you have Peter” Maggie nodded, moving closer to the boy “And it might be bold of me, but I daresay you’ve felt it yourself, for something or...” Maggie went out on a limb “Someone”

Peter glared, stepping even closer to Maggie, making a point of leaning down towards her ear.

“Never” he pulled away to look straight into her eyes “Even the sound of it offends me”

Maggie sighed, looking angry. At Peter, at the universe, at herself, she couldn’t tell. But whatever it was scared Peter, sending the boy stumbling away from the girl, very upset now.

“Why do you spoil everything!?” Peter croaked “We have fun don’t we? I taught you to fly! What more could there be?”

“I- I don’t know!” Maggie shouted, the tears in her eyes matching Peters, but both were too stubborn to let them fall “It seems like there should be more!”

“What? What else is there?!” Standing closer to Maggie.

“I don’t know… I think, these things all just, make more sense as you get older” Maggie shuttered at the thought of it

“Well I will not grow up! You cannot make me!” Peter snapped, right in Maggie’s face, marking her scared for that short moment “I’ll banish you like Tinkerbell”

“I will not be banished!” Maggie yelled back at him 

“Then go home! Go home and grow up! Grow up like your sister, and take your feelings with you!” Peter shouted as he ran off into the dark night sky.

“Peter! Peter come back!” Maggie called after him “Peter!”

Seeing him flying away from her created a pit so deep in her stomach she couldn’t feel the end of it. 

Tears finally fell from Maggie’s eyes as she ran off into the woods. She raced through the trees, running and running until her legs gave out and she tripped over a branch, letting out a loud scream, and sending her landing hard on a root, marking her unconscious. 

Little did both children know, that a certain captain, and a certain fairy, had been listening in on their quarrel not moments ago. Tinkerbell sped through the forest, whipping through the leaves until she found the unconscious girl lying asleep on the forest floor. A shrill whistle sent a message to the pirates who quietly approached Maggie, lifting her carefully and taking her away to their ship.


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