I Promise

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It has been almost one week since I joined Kiara. I never lacked anything with her. She gave me new clothes and shoes to replace my old ones which were extremely used. She gave me food when I was hungry. Water and juices when I was thirsty. She gave me a cloak to conceal myself and protect me from the chilly winds. I didn't know what she could get from giving me all those things. At one point, I thought I might be a sacrificial pawn to a sacred ritual. However, that thought wasn't depleasing at all. It felt better to die by helping a dragon rather than dying because the one in front of me feared me and thought I was or might become dangerous. Dying for someone who treats us well is always better than dying for someone who treats us like hell. I don't know why I was even thinking about that. I felt as if the only thing I should fear was the thing awaiting us at the end of the path we were following. Was it somewhere safe or dangerous? Was it somewhere I might get killed or somewhere I could live peacefully? And who was Kiara? Was she a true alie, or an enemy in disguise? Why did she suggest that I come with her? What could I bring her? I tried my best to keep out of her way and didn't ask too many questions to avoid bothering her. I couldn't possibly suggest that her intentions weren't good. She... She just wasn't that kind of person. One day, we were in front of a fire and the light reflected on my hair.

— I really like the color of your hair.

— Thanks?

— What a shame!

— Why?

She took a strand of my hair. I could see the red reflection of my hair.

— It's too flashy. No human has that kind of hair color at this time and age. You stand out too much... I can't leave them that way and it's a shame.

— What do you mean?

— I'll need to change it.

— Wha.. Ho..

The reflection of my hair darkened.

— What? How did you do that?

I took my hair and examined its color. It was brown. There was no way to tell that I was a dragon anymore. I was just like any other human girl. I was glad that I had one thing less to worry about, but sad because my hair was a legacy of my mother.

— I just changed it with magic.

— Is it permanent?

— It's not. What has been changed by magic can be put back to its original state as easily as it has been made.

It was a relief to hear that, I really thought it might have been permanent. She made me feel safe. It was a wonderful feeling, but it didn't last long. I was safer, but safety felt sad. It felt as if I was losing a part of me. As if I wasn't truly myself. Losing my identity so I wouldn't lose my life. It felt weird. It felt... depressing.

— Don't worry, we'll find a way to protect the future of the dragons. You'll be able to be yourself again. I promise.

I was surprised she knew what I was feeling, but it wasn't the thing that bothered me the most.

— You shouldn't promise something you can't keep.

— I'll keep it. I'm a dragon and dragons always keep their promises.

— But, this promise is impossible to keep.

— I'll keep it. I promise. I'll build a world where dragons can live freely. You will be able to live the life you always wanted. I promise you.

— ... Why do you promise something to someone you've barely just met. It doesn't make any sense.

— I have my reasons. You don't need to know them.

She was quite secretive. Mysterious... Almost dark. It was hard to know what she might be thinking. It was almost as if a huge fog was constantly surrounding her. But it wasn't a normal fog, it was a fog of darkness. She might have gotten lost in it. Maybe that's why she took me with her. I was a ray of light, something she could see to guid her outside of this darkness. I dreamt about it that same night. Her, surrounded in a fog of darkness, seeing a ray of light. Trying to follow that light.

— I promise, I'll reach you. Just wait, I'll get to you. A dragon always keeps their promises.

Said her echoing voice in my dream. She transformed into her draconic shape. It was a black scaled dragon. She flew in the direction of the light, unable to reach it. Her words were echoing in my head again and again.

— I'll reach you. I promise. A dragon's promise is eternal. I'll show you.

This dream felt like a cloud. Soft and comforting even if it seems impossible to reach. Maybe the reality would be cold and wet, but it didn't seem that displeasing. Recomforting, but also sad, just like the safety Kiara bestowed upon me. I realised that it was way too early to tell if her promise could be kept or how she could keep it. The only thing I knew was that I needed to trust her until the end for her to fulfill her promise. The next morning, I woke up and spoke to her.

— Kiara, I have no idea on how you'll keep your promise. Neither do I know when it will be fulfilled. As a matter of fact, I don't even know why you made such a promise. However, I'll put my trust in you. I'll trust you and leave my future in your hands. That's the only thing I can do right now.

— I have no idea how you came to that conclusion overnight, but you don't have to put your life in the line or even put your trust in me for me to keep my promises. I'll keep them no matter what. Even if you lose all faith in me, I won't give up on my promises.

— Nevertheless, I'll still believe in you no matter what.

— You probably shouldn't...

— But I will.

She was a bit flustered.

— I... But... Why? What if I deceive you?

It was surprising to see her that way. She always seemed as if nothing could affect her. I almost thought she couldn't feel emotions. I was glad to be wrong.

— Even if you deceive me, I have nowhere to go and I have nothing else I can do.

— You... You shouldn't believe so easily in someone you've just met.

Was she blushing? I couldn't say, she turned her back to me before I could see her face. She put the hood of her cloak on. I could somewhat understand that she tried to hide what she was feeling.

— Does no one else believe in you?

Her voice came back to normal. Maybe a bit more stern than usual.

— I have no one else.

Her words seemed... heavy. As if something was weighing her down. Her past perhaps. I couldn't know. Somehow, I felt sad for her even if I didn't know why.

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