Chapter 2

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SORRRRY FOR LATE UPDATE GUISEE! :( but i was just soo busy! sorry! but here's the second chapter! love youuuu! <3333 ^.^


I had the scariest dream last night. I was being dragged by a hooded man while my mom cried in a corner, my mom told me that she was a vampire. And the man was really...he had a dark aura. I didn't see his face clearly but his eyes were really blue and shiny, but then why am I thinking about that creepy dream?

I felt really calm for no reason, my eyes were closed and I smiled for the first time in my sleep. I was not literally sleeping though... But I just got this serene feeling for once.

I opened my eyes slightly and as I did I felt a sharp pain in my neck and head. I sat up from the purple bed.

Purple bed...

The reality hit me like a flood; I opened my eyes in realization only to find a woman standing in front of me.

She had on a long black skirt slit up the side to show great stiletto boots and a deep purple sill sweater. Over her left breast, was the image of a...Empress With her arms upraised, holding a crescent moon.

Just like...

Am I still dreaming?

I touched my neck to feel the birth ma... ..Crescent moon mark and unfortunately it was still there. My eyes widened, if that's even possible. The woman in front of me moved and sat on the bed beside me. I could smell the grassy, orange and woody fresh scent of hers. She had auburn hair which was hanging loosely. They were so long! She looked much older than me.

"Of course I am older than you, and much experienced." Did I think out loud or is it just her?

Wait wait wait. Moments ago I was sleeping serenely and then another moment I find myself on this bed...In a different room. Like how fast can things change?


I wanted to speak but no words came out of my mouth. I just sat there with my arms on either side of my body. I wanted to cry my eyes out, I wanted to scream. My mom is really a vampire. I was dragged from my own house. I am most probably in the middle of nowhere.

Everything was not a dream. Everything is reality

"Serra, I am Grephen. Welcome to your new life." She smiled and grasped my forearm. Weird that she called this my new life... Without that smile, her words would have seemed harsh but now it felt more welcoming. But yeah I didn't want to be welcomed.

Her touch was warm and firm. Her smile blazed with welcome. She was awe-inspiring. She seemed strong, smart and talented. Her eyes filled with lust and magic. She looked like someone had turned on a blazing light within her, her bold look told that she was an independent woman.

Did I just say magic? What's wrong with me!?

I looked at her with my hazel eyes and couldn't help but smile at that flawless face of hers. It made all the pain, which had surrounded me lately, omit from within me.

"..But... where am I? " I managed to say. I rolled my eyes in the surrounding and I was actually sitting on a purple canopy bed, whose sides were covered with fresh flowers. I looked at my left and there was this huge window which was covered up by white curtains, they showed a hint of light which indicated it was day...

She got up from the bed, straightened her skirt and walked to the door.

"You are in the vampire academy, Serra. I will send someone to get you ready, save all your questions till then"

My mouth formed an 'O' and nothing came out of it. She walked out, closing the door as she left.

Something caught the corner of my eye. I looked at my right but there was nothing..

I threw the sheets away which were covering me and my feet touched the soft white carpet. There was a door at the right to what looked like a closet. I opened the door, it was big. Okay that's an understatement for a bathroom with a gigantic pool of purple water! This is so insane, A bathroom with a freaking pool.

The...Pool had so many flowers in it, some of them which I couldn't recognize. It smelled so good. I looked to my left and there was a huge mirror with dark-brown wooden frame which added to the already beautiful bathroom below it that held thousands of beauty products. Do vampires apply make-up? ..You never know..

I stared into my own face, I had dark circles and my hair, and they were crazy- frizzy. Everything looked like what they had been before. But my skin was not that pale.

A knock on the bathroom door scared me. I didn't even know when I closed the bathroom door...

I opened it to find...

A girl with beautiful golden locks; and the most beautiful eyes on a girl. She was smiling sweetly and was wearing a cute black dress with black stockings, she looked like my age... And oh darn, did I not see that? She had a beautiful mark on her face whilst I had one on my neck. It was a crescent moon but of white color which complemented her complexion very well.

Are we playing with colors here?

"Heya, my name is Gale! Welcome to the Vampire Academy. I stay across from your room!" She said cheerfully.


She cut me off and dragged me all the way from the bathroom to the purple bed.

"So let's get started" She smiled and hopped and took me to the other corner of the room where I suppose was the dressing table. And she started applying make-up on my face and combing my hair.

I couldn't form any words. Any. I would've never imagined...

Gale stopped doing the make-up and ran to the left side of the table to open a door, which I assumed to be a closet.

It was a closet.

"We can wear anything here; it's not like a typical school." She laughed "Grephen can see future. She knew you were coming." She paused "Grephen teaches us Vampire magic. It's like the most important subject here. Grephen is the most awesome and helpful teacher."

Now I wonder how I felt cool around her.

She continued when I didn't reply. "Some of us have special powers. You might have something special too..I bet." She said that as if she knew about my 'powers'. Like what the hell! Powers? Vampires? Vampire school? I don't know...

I groaned, and totally tried to ignore the special power part.

She threw me a dress and told me where the shoes and other stuff were. I couldn't ignore her forever so I just mumbled a 'thank you'. I just wish that I get the answers to all of my questions. And I want to talk to my mother too.

"See you in half an hour, you know where to go, right?" she told me where to go earlier

I nodded my head at her "yeah"

"Don't worry; I was just like you when I got here. Almost most of us were clueless...But You'll like it here. You'll know. You'd want more. Um... So, see you in the dining hall, Serra.' She looked at me with concern and smiled politely and walked out of the room.

I sat on the bed, staring at the beautiful long halter red dress. And wondering how I ended up here? WOndering if i actually like it here..? And what I am going to see when I get out of this room?

You never know. The shit just got real.


sorry for a short update guise!

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