midnight love pt. 2

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I left the washroom and walked past the beautiful lobby and into the outside party area. The night felt nice and dreamy. Inside I felt sad knowing it was too late having Damon. I couldn't admit it. I couldn't believe it.

I've decided I had to grow up and accept the fact that Damon is with another woman. I have no business in destroying it. That would be horrible. I went back to the bar and took a couple shots. I could handle my alcohol as Damon once said when were in the studio together.

I felt a shadow come up behind me. It was Damon. I got excited and gave him a big hug. Although, I wished I could have kissed him.
With his mixed smell of cologne, alcohol, and cigarettes. It was hard for me not to.

"Y/N! I'm glad you were able to make it love." He said with his beautiful smile.

"Of course Damon! I wouldn't miss it for the world." I responded with my long smile. I was hurting inside but I knew how to hide my feelings.

"How you been love? How's America treating you?" He asked as he asked the bar tender for a beer.

"I've been really good. I actually have exciting news to tell you." I looked up at him with a serious face. I could see his eyes focused on mine. Ready to listen to what I had to say.

"I'm actually moving here. Well almost fully moved in." I told him as his eyes grew wide.

His eyes widen as I told him the news. "Wow! That's pretty good innit." he replied with a smile  and showing his gold tooth.

"Yeah well, I'm really excited! I get to see you more often and work with you!" I replied excitedly.

"I'm glad you came. I honestly felt like I had Y/N withdrawals." He replied jokingly.

I laughed. It hurts knowing someone else has the one that was meant for you.

Does he know, that I know, that he has a girlfriend? Does he realize how much I love him? Does he know I would do anything for him?

"I heard you met Natalie." He said as he took a big gulp from his cup of beer.

"Well, yeah, I did. She was quite nice. I didn't know you were with someone. You should've told me!!" I replied knowing that it actually hurt saying it.

He put his drink down in the counter and looked straight into my eyes. He licked his lips and placed his hand on top of mine. "I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure what I was doing." Damon replied.

"Natalie and I aren't doing very well. Things have been fucking hard. We keep clashing and arguing." He said as he took my both hands and held them.

He continued, "I haven't had the guts to tell her I don't want to be with her anymore." I was shocked.

Damon is having relationship problems. Honestly, I feel some a bit of joy. WHICH I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING?! OMG Y/N?! STOP!

"Damon, I'm so sorry that it didn't work out. I'm sure you will find someone better." I said as i looked at his hands with his tattoos on it. I rubbed my thumb over the star tattoo, my favorite because it's what Damon believes in. I then realized I can't be touching him. I slowly took my hands out of his handling. I took a step back.

"Damon, I think you should talk to Natalie. Maybe it's communication issues?" I replied.

He shook his head. "Y/N. I tried. I'm not going to force myself into this relationship. I'm already faking having fun at this clownery." He replied while taking another sip of his beer. I titled my head and looked up at him.

"Is there a reason why you don't want to be with her anymore?" I asked curiously.

This is my chance to find out if he has even a bit of feelings for me. JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE DAMES?!?

He said it. The words I've wanted to hear since I've got here. "I have feelings for you, Y/N."
Damon said as we made eye contact.

My eyes widen with disbelief but with pure hope. I smiled and slowly started tearing up but right when I was about to say something. Natalie came and took Damon away to dance.

This can't be happening. Did she really just do that.

AN: part three will be a smut & will be up soon !!

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AN: part three will be a smut & will be up soon !!

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