2. The Meeting

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The cold air kissed my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw the three of them sleeping soundly. I check the time, it's still 4 in the morning. I search for my sweater and wear my boots.

When I open the tent, darkness swallowed me. I never expect this forest to be this dark, maybe this is because of the broad leaves of the trees. I gather up my thoughts and started walking through the thick forest. The only light I have is in the my cellphone.

Later on, I realize that I'm lost. "Shit!" I muttered.

Why am I so dumb? Did you realize what you're doing? My inner goddess is shouting at me.

Until I found myself in the middle of a meadow. Ohmy! I didn't know there is such place like this. The meadow is carpeted with beautifully carved green grasses and pink flowers. I walk slowly and feel the the flowers brushed my skin, it tickled me and I smile. I could live here forever, this place let me forget those bitter problems I am carrying. The dim light emphasizes the fogs that surrounds me. Oh fuck! Did just that happen?

I didn't realize earlier that I was surrounded by fogs. Suddenly, a silhouette of a man is standing few steps in front of me. My back is tingling and I feel the...fear.

"Hello?!" My voice croaked. "Who are you?"

When I get no response, my adrenalin rushed and I immediately sprang to the forest. I didn't manage to escape from the scratch of twigs on my skin. I remembered his words, to never go alone because it's dangerous. Is that man a threat? And idea flash to my mind. Wait! My inner goddess screamed. Maybe that's him! That's the man last night!

I halt myself. Is it true? This is now or never, if I'll go back to the meadow maybe I can know him or if never maybe last night would be the last. I gather all my courage I could have and started pacing to the meadow, the sun is starting shine when I arrived at the meadow.

I was amazed. The meadow is prettier under the sun. The flowers and grasses swayed from the hum of the breeze. I examined the place and...and... I saw him, standing in the same position or maybe farther. His skin is so pale like there is no blood in his system. His nose and jaws are perfectly carved. His lips...his lips are beautifully shaped into a line. Why? Is he angry? His brow furrows as I started walking towards him. As I am starting to be near him, I just realize the beauty of his bronze hair standing perfectly on his head. It is shining under the sun. Oh wait! His thick lashes covered his light brown eyes. It's melting me.

I am now one step away from him and I can hear his breathing hitched. And his scent, is so pleasing to my nose. It's so delicious and inviting. I want to hug him and smell him. I smile at the thought.

"Go away!" His voice are furious. "I told you not to go alone."

So it's him! I'm smiling like an idiot. It's him! It's him! My inner goddess is jumping upside down.

"What are you waiting for? Go." His voice is cold now. And I saw his fist clenched. I think he is not breathing because I can't visibly see the up's and down's of his shoulder. Are you crazy? Of course he's human, he is breathing.

I think he's struggling now. I finally said "uhm...hi?" I cleared my throat "I'm Aaliyah but I want to be called Aal. So? What's your name?" I tried to be friendly as possible but I think he didn't seem to soften a little bit. So I added "Why do you want me to go away? You know what? If you keep on clenching your fist and do some rituals or something..."

He cut me off "What are you doing here?" There. There. I like that soothing sound. I think he calmed down. I notice that he's closing his eyes and rinkling his nose. Oh shit! Am I stinking already?

I smelled my hair. The scent of the pomegranate shampoo is still there.

"Is there something wrong?" I finally ask. Of course there is you stupid! He doesn't like you! My inner goddess is screaming at me.

I can see his inside struggling for what ever pain he's sufferring. I was shocked when I heard him saying this "Do you mind to go for a walk?"

I smiled...wider. "I don't." This is it! I can feel my back tingling.

We started walking through the forest. I didn't mind the sun stinging my skin. We continued walking until I feel the sweats all over my body. I remove my sweater and it seems like he didn't bother. We walk and walk in silence, the crushing of twigs and dried leaves are the only sound that breaks the silence. I can't take it anymore, I have to do something.

"So? Where are we going?" I finally spoke.

"In our house. I want you to meet my...uncle." He answered coldly.

"Of course!" I don't know what to say. I'm not good on conversation, I could have at least stole some skills from Alodia.

"We're almost there." He said. And stony pathways caught my attention. It has small marbles that consists of different colors: red, purple, brown, green. It's very beautiful.

And when I tilt my head, I saw a very huge vintage house that is made of probably reddish brown woods. The house is surrounded with ancient flowers that I don't even know that they exist.

"We call that verbena or vervain." He explained while pointing at the flowers. "My uncle plants that." His brow furrows.

"You don't like it?" I asked.

"Not really." He said.

As he opened the door, the musty smell of ancient woods welcomed me. It seems like this house is a hundred years old. The maple wood flooring matches the cream thick carpets. There are lots of furnitures that is made of oak tree and I'm sure that it's sturdy. I saw several antiques of vases and sculpted statues of...vampire? Why would they put such things in this house? Vampires are not true. I smirk from the thought.

I startled when someone cleared his throat. "Nice meeting you young lady. May I know your name?" He said politely. He speaks like, he's from any other time.

"Aaliyah. Uhm... Aaliyah Isobel Grey. Nice meeting you sir." I squeaked.

"Nice name for a beautiful maiden. May I introduce myself to you, I am Stefan Fionavar, Cai's uncle." He handed me a hand.

"Oh stop with your nonsense uncle." He faced me. "I'm going to show you something." He grabbed my hand but I halt.

"Wait... Who's Cai?" I asked curiously.

"Me" he said coldly.

"His name is Cai Damon Fionavar." Stefan smiled.

So your name is Cai. I smiled. Nice name. "An old school." I muttered.

"Let's go." Cai just ignored my comment and grabbed me outside.

"It's almost noon. You need to go back on your camp site." Cai commanded. "You're friends have been searching for you."

"But how?" I don't want to go. I still want to be with him.

What the fuck! How the hell did I reach here?


Please don't forget to vote and comment. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one would be publish the next day. Lovelots :* xoxo

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