5. The Bazaar

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Have a great day! :]


The sunlight woke me up. It strikes my room, revealing the different colors: dark pink walls with a touch of royal blue. Apple green doors and windows. The tiles are plain white while the ceiling is an abstract of the night sky with shimmering stars on it. Black furnitures crowded the side. Well, it's pretty childish. I've been here when I was still six and my mother did the design thing. I don't want to renew it, I still have the memories in this little corner.

My phone rings, I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Aal speaking." I muttered sleepily.

"Oh. Good afternoon sleepyhead! Get ready, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Alodia said.

"Good afternoon?" I look at the clock and its already 3 pm. "What the hell? Where are we going?" I asked.

"Get Luna ready. Bye." And she end the line.

What's with her? Ohmy Alodia!

I hurriedly get out of the room. I saw Luna on the hallway, the only thing that covers her is Tyler's white shirt.

"Luna." I called her. "Alodia will be here in 10 minutes."

"Oh! Have you eaten?" She said.

"I'm going to grab some bagel and coffee later. Hurry up!" I said.

We ended up our conversation when we rushed to each other's bathroom.

After doing my hygeine, I immediately wear my denim mini skirt, maroon blouse, black knee socks and boots. I put a little mascara on my lashes and powder on my face. I grab my bag and hurriedly walk downstairs. I found Luna and Alodia sitting on the sofa.

"Am I that late?" I said.

"Obviusly...yes. It's been 20 minutes waiting." Alodia said sternly.

I just rolled my eyes on her. "Oh. My meal."

"Got it." Luna said while showing the paperbag.

"Great. Now, let's go bitches." She squeaked for excitement.

"Bye Tyler. Be back soon." I shouted, hope it's loud enough for him to hear it.

We travel for almost an hour and luckily we arrived safely.

We got out of the car and headed for the dresses section.

"So, where's Paige?" I asked.

"Probably at the book sale. We'll going to search for her later but for now, let's dig in!" Alodia squeaked.

We spend almost 3 hours of choosing, testing, and buying clothes, accessories, and shoes. Alodia's arm seem to be no space anymore for she bought almost 20 items with paperbags each. Luna is busy choosing her dresses and shoes to fit in it. While me, well, busy checking out the time. I only bought two dresses and one boots. Everytime the clock ticks, I got even more bored.

"Uhm...I'm going to the booksale." I finally said.

"Oh. Okay." They both said.

I made my way without knowing that I've reach the end. Well, it's a little dark in here and no people are crowding. Somehow, I feel scared. I entered into a small room with a smell of old books, they call this little store 'Robertina'.

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