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No one's pov:
Leon has just finished unpacking the gear from the helicopter and was going to do some experiments.

Dr.Sirizawa: okay now that you're done let's start with test#1:combat is the camera ready.

Alexis: oh it's ready ready~

Dr.Sirizawa: robots

Mia: check

Dr.Sirizawa: Turrets

Eva: double check

Dr.Sirizawa: okay all systems are go Leon are you ready

Leon: he oh boy am i

Leon changes up his atomic powers
Making his eyes,mouth,and hands glow neon blue while his hair turned black.


???1: my queen you better see this.

???: what is it can't you see I'm busy trying to get rid of her

???2: yes but I think you just might found it.

???: let me see.

Footage showed in a large screen in Leon's island while the camera zoomed in to see you using your atomic powers

???: interesting let's see what all of this is about.


Dr.Sirizawa: GO!

As the robots and turrets fired at Leon but he was quicker as he used some atomic energy to go at the speed of sound and used his atomic energy to make atomic swords on his wrists and cut through some turrets and robots.

Leon: that all you got!

Dr.Sirizawa: send melee robots and lazer turrets.

Leon: I just had to open my fuking mouth ahh.

As Leon dodged sword slashes,lasers and regular gun fire he was being observed from space.

???1: he's doing well for a human.

???2: if he even is human.

???:quiet down megalon and gigan!

Megalon and gigan: yes queen ghidorah.

Ghidorah: good now let's keep watching(why is he so-so attractive)

Ghidorah: good now let's keep watching(why is he so-so attractive)

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