6 months have already passed, people are happy, they truly love H.. H tried to be a fair king, he tried to keep in contact with the people, tried to fix things, to be evenhanded.. H ruled the kingdom with justice.. The kingdom economically was growing.. and the people were morally improving as the rate of robbery got less than ever, since H tried to give everyone what they deserve.. so whoever did a crime, was really sick.. and had to be jailed or punished in a dire, and vigorous way.. even if the person was rich enough to pay for his freedom..
2 weeks later the news that the kingdom near them fell in the hands of the "King Of Beasts" and panic took over the kingdom.. that surely means that the enemy are on the way to this kingdom.. that surely means war. 1 week later, the "King Of Beasts" sent a messenger to the "White Masked King".
The messenger entered the castle carrying the "King Of Beasts" message.. While H was sitting on the throne in pride, and told the messenger "Speak up" The messenger began reading the message.. "From the King of Beasts, to the White Masked King.. I heard that you took over the crown from the old king, I believe he didn't warn you from me, I also heard so many Rumors about you.. one of them that you're fighting for peace with your white mask.. If peace is what you aim for.. then surrender, so that you, and your people can have it."
H smiled and said "Tell your king, I will speak with him personally.. Tell him, I am coming over in 3 days." The messenger left with the reply from H.
The messenger told the "King Of Beasts" My king," The "White Masked King" is coming over to speak with you, he wasn't afraid nor threatened from your message.. moreover if he really cares about his people, he would surrender for sure." The King was happy, he now knows that his soldiers are assure of victory.. and nothing can defeat them.. The king was waiting for the White Masked King, he wants to know what kind of enemies he really is, what kind of kings he is. And what kind of soldiers he is. H knew that the king of beasts whenever he takes over a kingdom he stays in that kingdom, to bring fear to the other near kingdoms, and kings. But what H doesn't know, that he is the last king ruling the last kingdom on earth, that is not under the control of the king of beasts.
White Masked King
Science FictionH is a guy that loves history.. got a chance to travel back in time and stop a crucial war in the history of his country "Kingdom" that lead to the death of more than 20,000 civilians that got no reason to be killed. H always questioned war.. and ho...