"smack my ass like a drum"

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(☆-indicates when you need to play the song)

Eddie bent over and lifted your shirt up and stared in wonder at your abdomen. You then felt his mouth all over you, not even kissing you, just Teasing you. And then biting you.
"OW WHAT THE FUCK!" you screamed. You looked at your belly to see a chuck of flesh missing. "BRO WHAT THE HELL I NEEDED THAT!!!" you were inraged you had just bought this skin!
"Oop my bad sharty lemme just-" he carefully removed the chuck from his mouth and gently patted it back into place.
He then try to proceed with his actions but you stopped him. "Oh hell nah you lost stomach priviliges"
"WHAT!?" Eddie started to throw a tantrum like a toddler. "I WANT TO KISSY YOUR TUMMY!!!"
You said with a firm and calm posture "no". Eddie then wrapped his hands around your neck choking you and making your eyes pop out like those little animal keychains. "I-SED-I-WANNA-TO-KISSY-YOUR-TUMMY" He growled. "O-OK WAIT WAIT- I HAVE ANOTHER IDEA-!" You barely muster. You rasp "Smack- my ass- like a drum" taking a breath after each word because you had no idea what would be instore for you. Eddie froze in place.For these words brought eddie back to the moment he first met you.
[☆-play the song ;)]
It was before the asylum gone to hell, eddie was being transferred to a new cell because he destroyed the toilet with his atomic shits. As he was being transferred he heard a angelic voice singing. Soon enough you came in view, with a mic in hand singing the lyrics
"Remind ya that im kinda wet
Remind ya
Remind ya
Remind ya that im kinda wet
Remind ya
Remind ya"
He became infascinated with you, the way you swayed your hips to the beat. everything you did radiated with cofidence. And then bitch ass hoe waylon ruined it. He started to twerk on you and wouldn't stop.
You then aggressively knock him off with your ass.
"Ok anyways-" you then continue to sing barely noticing the intense stare you got from eddie.
You then start to really get into the song and started to twerk on everyone.
You were about to twerk on eddie, he was so excited. He was finally going to meet you! But then he felt a rough tug on his shoulder. "C'mon man lets go, and promise you won't destroy this next one so quickly"
"oh c'mon! I am so close! I need to know them!" Eddie thought.
Before your ass could violently wobble on eddie, the gaurd dragged him away by force.
"WHAT THE HECK MR GAURD! I WAS ABOUT TO GET TWERKED ON BY THIS SEXY BEAST!" eddie stormed off to his new cell like a upset teen.
Although he was upset his thoughts drifted towards you, and his feelings changed from anger to curiousity.
Eddie was determined to meet you, properly. And make you his baka.

Eddie snaps back to reality, ope there goes gravity, with his hand still tight around your throat. You were dead because of the deathly grip he had on you. "Y/n wake the fuck up" he smacked you. Eddie is not aware of his own strength so when he smacked you he actually broke your neck. "Y/n come on" he started to shake you. "Fine you filthy harlot die then" he dropped your body on the floor and left you for like .045 seconds. "COME ON Y/N! DID I REALLY HURT YOU THAT BAD COME ON!!!" he sobbed. "PLEASE MY SUSSY BAKA! COME BACK TO MEEEE!!!" he was on his knees. "Oh man i guess i will go get some bubble tea then" you immediately rose. "Bubble tea? I want some" you begged. "MY SUSSY BAKA!" Eddie embraced you with a hug, feeling your warmth. He sang "I AM SO GLAD YOU CAME BACK!" You immediately tried to die again but eddie prevented that. "Come on y/n lets have segs sharty bae" he winked at you. You groaned, you really wanted some boba.

A/n:Hey yall sorry this took a while lol, been busy with school 😭
Planning on making next chapter a lemon 😈😈😈😈😩😩😩😩

Your my Sussy Baka {Eddie Gluskin X Reader} ♡♡♡😋😋😋Where stories live. Discover now