Newer me

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"Hmmm, it might actually work. But remember Tomura attaining subject 24 is more Important to us right now then killing all might." The returning dark figure said

"But master-"

"Don't ,but master, me." The dark figure yelled. The figure called down and relaxed back into his chair "Tomura you'll barely have to worry about it. On a related note I want you to meet who's going with you" he points to 2 people that step outta the shadows. one of them had large, white bird like wings and white hair put up in a ponytail. While the other guy looked like this

"Mr Suzuki and Mr utisushimi will accompany you and they will deal with the capture of subject 24"

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"Mr Suzuki and Mr utisushimi will accompany you and they will deal with the capture of subject 24"

"Wait, you never said anything about capturing him" the winged man yelled obviously pissed "he needs to pay for taking him away from me"

"Don't worry once you get him here. He'll endure enough pain to make him want to kill himself" the figure covered by the shadows explained "though if you do majorly harm subject 24, I will personally make sure that you endure a worse pain"

Usj part 1
"The usj incident shocked UA and will have a massive impact on the world, forever"

Kazuko was zoning out while 13 was speaking because honestly she didn't really care her father taught her almost everything she would need to do. She really didn't need the class. But she was snapped out of it when a portal appeared in front of the class and started talking.

"Hello U.A staff and students, we are the league of villains and we've come here to kill all might" the portal announced.

Kazuko froze she didn't know what to do. Should she try to fight the thugs pouring out the portal or break the doors in the back so the class can escape. But as she was in her head thinking on what to do she saw the villains open up a portal above the students.

Out of the portal a man flew out of it with large bright white bird wings. He had slim light gray protective gear, and a white phantom of the opera mask. His long white hair tied back with to strands in left in the front. His partner that jumped out of the portal above them. Was wearing a thick black hoodie and jet black protective gear over it.

"Shit! he didn't tell us there would be this many kids" the man in the black hoodie yelled.

"It doesn't matter we have to focus on our objective" the boy with wings said. "Maybe if we have time we could cause a bit more havoc then we need" he said staring directly at bakugo.

Speaking of bakugo he looked shaken, like he seen a ghost.

The students were frozen, all of them wanted to move but were held still by their pure fear.

The "seeing" hero (version 1)Where stories live. Discover now