More Than Beautiful

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 "Are you going to be okay without me?" His voice questioned.

When I nodded, he hugged me and walked out the door.

I didn't let him see me fall apart. Good.I walked back into the bathroom and couldn't stop starring at the pregnancy test on the floor. It was positive. I can't believe this is happening to me. I'm barely out of highschool for God sakes!

Clutching my stomach, I walked into my bedroom and cried.

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"Hey babe, I'm home!" Conner said as he sauntered in, waking me from my slumber. "What's wrong with you?" He questioned as he asessed my blotchy, tear-stained face.

"We need to talk." I stated quietly, rubbing my eyes fervently.

"Uh-oh. Can't be good."

"I don't quite know how to begin..." I trailed off, looking away from his face. I felt, ashamed? "How do you feel about kids?" I began.

His eyes grew wide just before his dark eyebrows pulled together. "What do you mean Tess? You know kids hate me. So why are you asking?" No, kids didn't hate you, you hate them. I thought to myself.

"Urrr, well--"

"Tess?" His tone was worried.

"I-- I'm pregn--" I began stammering.

He cut me off, "You're what?!" Running his fingers through his sandy hair he began pacing in front of me.

"Conner, I know you aren't all that happy but, maybe we could make it work?" I was scared, he knew it too...

"Tess, get an abortion. That's how we will make it work." His voice was cruel, demanding.

"What?! You can't be serious! I couldn't do that! And even if I could bear going through something like that, you are forgetting the most important thing, we don't have the money." I was furious with him! Seriously? I knew he didn't care for kids too much but I thought he would be different because it's his kid. He of course, wouldn't give up.

"Tess, I love you, but I can't love that thing you have inside you." His harsh tone began to disolve as he said, "Babe, it's me or it... If you choose it, I'm leaving." He leaned in to kiss me, so I pushed him away.

"That's how it's going to be then huh Tessa?" When I didn't respond he shook his head and mumbled, "Fine, whatever." He walked to the closet and began packing his stuff.

Furrious, my voice raised above what was allowed. "Yeh, it friqqen' has to be like that Conner! God I can not believe you! You're seriously going to walk away from this?! You always do this!" Not realizing his shoulders tensing uo and the obvious anger eminating from him, I turned and grabbed Conner's shoulder forcing him to turn to me while yelling, "Damnit Conner James Owen, look at me when I'm talking to you, you drunk!"

This sent him over the edge, "What did you just say to me you little slut?" Smack!

I coiled back, "Get out." My voice was empty, frightened.

"Fine." His voice was like leather.

Tears streaming down my face, I began to get up.

"Tess," his voice like sattin once again, "I'm not what you need." Then picked up his things and walked out the door. Broken sobbs filled my chest as I heard the gravel crunch under the tires of his truck, then the sound faded out, as he drove away.

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