Chapter 7 'You don't know what you just did!'

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Chapter 7 'You don't know what you just did!'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

That wasn't Raven's hand that I touched. This hand was warm, and when I first touched it electricity went up my whole arm. My eyes widened in shock and fear. My eyes turned to a brown, and I knew why. I was scared for what would happen next, it's impossible to deny the mate bond.

Werewolves never reject their mates, and after today, I don't think I'll be able to. I looked at Blake with wide eyes, he doesn't know what he just did, and him not having a shirt on was bothering me.

It wasn't bothering me five seconds ago, stupid mate bond! No one else was in the room, besides me, Blake, and Raven. Blake knows about me so I just teleported Raven right into my mom's car.

"I'll be home as soon as I can, don't wait up for me," I told Raven through our mind link. Blake has no idea what he just did, and him being Alpha makes everything worst.

Raven didn't bother replying, she knew that I was about ready to blow my top. This has got to be the stupidest thing Blake has ever done since I've been here.

"You don't know what you just did," I said while backing away from Blake. Anything could happen now, Blake doesn't know about my past, he doesn't know how much trouble I bring, and I can't deny the mate bond.

"I couldn't take it Elizabeth, you've been putting me through so much torture, and I don't care if you're a witch and not a werewolf," Blake said to me while walking towards me. There was pain in Blake's eyes, and the stupid mate bond made me feel bad for it.

"You don't know what you just did! I'm the very last witch alive, and if they find me, then there won't be anymore witches alive in the world," I informed Blake. He froze in his spot before he growled.

"No one is killing my mate! I don't care who it is, but my pack is the strongest out of all the werewolves in the world. No one can get past us," Blake informed me. I only wish that could be true, but sadly it isn't.

"You don't know who's after me. I won't be able to stop the bond which means I can't leave!" I yelled in Blake's face. He just growled back in my face.

"I'm never going to let you leave! You are my mate and you will stay here!" Blake yelled back in my face.

"Mom! Dad! Raven! Aunt Lucinda! Rick! Emily! Dougy! Blake's parents! Get in here before I blow the roof off this school!" I yelled, knowing that all of them were listening to our conversation.

My parents, aunt, and Raven all came in through the door, while Rick and Emily came out of the closet, and Dougy and Blake's parents came in through the window. I could tell my eyes were red, I was angry, mad, furious, and whatever else you can think of, at Blake. He made a real stupid move.

Everyone sat down, and no one said a word after that, I also made sure that Blake didn't touch me. I can't deal with any of this right now.

"Elizabeth, it's your call what you want to do, we've always followed your choices cause we knew that you could do anything. We're your parents and your family, we're behind you one hundred percent," My mother said in her calm voice.

Her calm voice made me calm down a little bit. I never knew how she could do that, I guess it's a mother thing.

"This boy loved you even before he knew you were a witch. It doesn't matter what you are, but I can tell this boy is not giving up on you," My aunt told me.

"Wait until he has dinner with dad," I mumbled, but knew everyone heard me. I could not wait to see that. Stupid mate bond! Why did God want me to have a mate when I'm being hunted down?

"So you're staying?" Blake asked me with a smile. My smile disappeared after he said that.

"I have to think about that, probably no because we can't risk it," I said while pointing to my family. I'll do anything to protect them. Raven stood up from her seat and walked towards me.

"Elizabeth, I love you like a sister, but if you leave again. I'm staying, this is the first time I've felt normal for once in my life, I don't care who comes after me, but I'm willing to stay here," Raven said. She has no idea what she's talking about.

"What do you mean by who? Who is chasing you guys?" Emily asked us.

"Raven you have no idea what your talking about. You know the threats, we all know the risk we take if we stay here, and I'm not letting anyone harm you guys again," I said to my family, looking at each one of them in the face.

Raven was about to open her mouth until I added in, "You came close to dying, if you or Aunt Lucinda never showed up at our doorstep then you would be dead, and I'm not ready to lose any of you."

Blake, his parents, Dougy, Rick, and Emily had no idea what to say. Then again, they had no idea that my cousin and aunt came close to dying, more than once.

I walked away from my cousin and sat down in one of the seats. I placed my elbows on the desk and my head in my hands. None of this is happening! This is all going to go wrong sooner or later!

"Beth, I just hope you know that no matter what happens, I'm not leaving this place. This is the one place where I can finally be myself, the one place where no one will harm either of us, and if you're not going to fight for it, then I will," Raven explained.

"I love this place to Raven, but they can't protect us, they can't even fight in our battle," I said while referring to Blake and his family. Werewolves are after me, but they don't belong in our fight.

Raven was silent after I said that. Raven, my parents, my aunt, and I all knew that Blake's family can't be in our battle. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and I was going to probably regret the next words that I say.

I turned to face Blake, "I'm sorry, we're moving tomorrow before the bond starts to get stronger." His face looked broken and I had to look away. I could tell that my eyes turned to yellow (Topaz). I might not be feeling physical pain, but I am feeling emotional pain. Stupid mate thing had to go and wreck everything!

My body froze when I hear a male chuckle in the same room. I knew that evil laugh anywhere, he always laughs like that when ever he has an evil plan.

My parents, aunt, and Raven all huddle together, knowing it's not best to split up. My aunt and cousin were shaking after hearing his voice.

"Show yourself Adam!" I yelled. Adam then appeared in the flesh, on the teachers table. I quickly ran to my family that was huddled together. This sick demon is not bringing any of them back to the devil!

Author's notes:

Uh oh...... can Elizabeth really leave Blake? Can Elizabeth stop Adam from hurting her family? Or will Adam actually bring someone back to the devil?

Questions might be answered in the next chapter ;)

Enjoy for now and let me know what's good about the book and what's not good.

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