Chapter 23 'What am I to do?'

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Chapter 23 'What am I to do?'

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

"Well Ella is quite the witch and I think Hati likes her very much" Blake whispered into my ear. I bit my lip while my face turned beet red. 

"She wanted to mate with you and I kind of did to, but she gave me the confidence to go through with all of that and she might have seduced you," I tried explaining to him.

Blake groaned while wrapping his arms around me even tighter. My red face didn't die down while Blake placed a feather light kiss on my neck..

"Holy cow I thought that was a dream," Blake stated before looking at me, "You were like some angel sent down from heaven and I was on cloud nine all night."

I was about to open my mouth and say something before something else happened.

"Guys! Time for-" Raven cut herself off while Blake was growling and covering me up. I ended up screaming and making a hand motion to close the door. Raven was so shocked though that the door ended up closing on her forehead.

I heard her fall on the ground before snapping my fingers and gettng clothes on me. I jumped out of bed and practically ran over to the door.

Blake was laughing and I turned around to realize that he was still in his birthday suit. I snapped my fingers and put some clothes on him while opening the door to see my cousin getting up.

All of our parents stormed up the stairs, not knowing what happened or if there was any danger. Blakes parents looked at me and they seemed happy and proud at their son. My parents and aunt gave me and Raven confused looks.

Blake stood behind me while Raven and I were at a lost for words. Blakes father patted his son on the back while my aunt smelled the air. She crinkled her nose in disgust.

"Ew, someone had sex," my aunt stated. My face turned red while Raven's did the same. I could only guess her turned red from what she had seen upon opening the door.

My dad gave Blake the biggest death glare he could muster while Blake shifted on his feet uncomfortably. I could only bet he would rather be running for the hills instead of standing in front of my dad.

"You used protection right?" my mother asked.

"MOTHER!" I yelled, not believing my mother just did that, and quickly covered my face using my hands.

Oh gosh, first my witch wants to mate with our mate, then my cousin walks in the next morning to us both naked, then my aunt can tell we had sex when she's not even a werewolf, and finally my mother embarrasses me.

"I don't need any grandkids yet," my father chuckled before leaving me alone.

"Ugh, I'm going to school," I mumbled before imagining where I wanted to be. Opening my eyes I pushd on the door in the girls locker room. School was going to start in a half hour, but I didn't want to be anywhere near my family at the moment. Blake can deal with them and the embrrassment.

'Sorry Beth, we didn't mean to embarrass you,' my mother giggled through our link, 'but did you guys really use protection?'

I groaned out of embarrassement. My parents just know how to embarrass me.

'Ask Blake, that's why he's still there,' I simply explained.

'Ok sweetie,' my mother giggled.

"Been looking for you witch," a voice I knew all too well stated. I quickly turned around and narrowed my eyes on the human spy.

She was leaning against the wall, making sure her fingerless leathergloves were on right. Her hair was pulled back as if she knew she was going to fight me today.

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