Part 35

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Harry came back and saw Ara and tackled her a hug. She went behind a few steps but regained balance and hugged him back. "Thank you thank you .... I... " harry was laughing and crying while she gently rubbed his back. And as she let go, she said, "You must know that only half part of it was mine. " harry raised his eyebrows, "The potion was sent by your potion master." Harry's face fell. Ara held his shoulder and walked with him saying, "Hey I know he treats very very very badly. And I hate that. But, he has a reason and one day, you will learn it and respect him for i. Just hang in there Harry. This year will pass. " Harry looked at her, "Me respect Snape? Fat chance." he huffed and walked off. "He will come around" Sirius said. Ara turned to him, "I know he will. That boy forgives everyone." she smiled. 

Once they had eaten their Christmas lunch, the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione were planning to pay Mr. Weasley another visit, escorted by Mad-Eye and Lupin. Mundungus turned up in time for Christmas pudding and trifle, having managed to 'borrow' a car for the occasion, as the Underground did not run on Christmas Day. The car had had a similar Enlarging Spell put upon it as the Weasley's old Ford Anglia; although normally proportioned outside, ten people with Mundungus driving were able to fit into it quite comfortably. Mrs. Weasley hesitated before getting inside - Harry knew her disapproval of Mundungus was battling with her dislike of traveling without magic - but, finally, the cold outside and her children's pleading triumphed, and she settled herself into the back seat between Fred and Bill with good grace. 

Sirius found Ara with her hands on her hips as he sent them off and raised his eyebrows. "Why didn't you get Kreacher his gift yet?" Sirius opened his mouth and closed it again. Ara rolled her eyes as she handed him a beautiful package. "Go on.. sign it and give him. tell you for it or something. And wish him merry christmas... Say YOU ARE SORRY.... AND BE SORRY " Sirius winced as she shouted the last part. He hurriedly signed it in his full name and called Kreacher. The elf appeared looking a little  haughty but bowed down. Sirius sat on his knees and said gently, "Hey Kreacher I am sorry I didn't give it earlier. I ... I was just not sure what you would like...and...erm.. you know I am..sort of...within the house. I couldn't get you.." Kreacher threw himself at his feet screaming,"Master is not asking Kreacher's forgive... Kreacher is lucky to serve the The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. To serve such great mistress and Master treats mistress well. Kreacher is so prod to serve Master.."
Sirius stared for a moment and spoke, "So ... this is for you.. Merry Christmas Kreacher. "

The elf took the packet with great care and bowed deep down.  Then he opened the package and shrieked scaring Sirius out of his life. Then the elf was at his feet sobbing and thanking Sirius over and over. Sirius took this chance to look at the gift and found a goblin made bracelet bearing the black family crest and smiled. Ofcourse, a family crest bearing heirloom is given to the elf in highest honor. And then the elf sobbed, "Oh Young Masters Sirius and Regulus gave Kreacher family crest years ago. You is not remembering Master. But Kreacher remember. Young Masters were punished. But still promise Kreacher to give real crest when they grow up. Oh Master Sirius keep promise. Master Regulus will be so happy." Sirius blinked rapidly and patted the elf. The elf popped away glowing in happiness.

Unknown to himself, Sirius walked slowly to a large room and sat in front of the piano. His fingers moved on his on as a beautiful melody played. "Merry Christmas Reggie..Am sorry.." he murmured. He felt a soft hand on his shoulder as Ara whispered, "Am sure he loved you enough to forgive that Sirius.. He would want you to be happy. " Sirius nodded and held her hand, "I know they would all forgive me... especially Reggie and James. But am not sure if ... If I can forgive myself, ever." Ara silently squeezed his shoulders and stayed with him. Silence speaking volumes.


Sorry for not updating this long....

I have a lot of exams coming up...

Had some family issues....


Well... am glad to be here....

Love you all

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Bye.... Take care

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