Part 6

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Remus said, "No the term hasn't started. Harry is at his aunt's.. You know he.... "
" Lily's protection. I know. So he is starting his fifth year I suppose? I mean 1995?"
"Yes. How do you know everything? Lily's protection is a very rare magic. Surely it cannot be published in some damn book " Sirius said.
She moved closer to Remus and mumbled." I know you don't believe me, but Dumbledore won't let me go. If you hate me that much, you can throw me out. "
Before Sirius could reply, Remus placed an arm around her shoulders and said " Enough of this nonsense Padfoot. Albus trusts her and hence we all do too. She is not hurting you. Just let her be. Don't question her again, Padfoot. I mean it. "
"Whatever" Sirius huffed and turned away.
" Thank you "she whispered still looking at the ground.
" Why are you scared of him? " Remus asked." He hates me already and you know he is... Um... Slightly impulsive ? "
Remus snorted" slightly? Impulsive is his definition. But he won't hurt you. I promise. "
" Yeah.. I hope so " she sighed and fell silent.
After a few minutes," AAAAAAH! HARRY! DEMENTORS! "she yelped.
Remus was close to her in a second and said worriedly." Harry? What are you telling about Harry and dementors ? "

" Is Harry's birthday over?" "it's tomorrow"
"Great. Um.. Can I talk to Dumbledore sooner? "

" Yes, I will call him" Remus sent a patronus.
" Remus? Er... Can I tell you? It's just Harry gets " she started and Remus stopped her." Please do not share anything with anyone without Albus' s permission. Ever. "
She nodded.
Just then Albus Dumbledore entered" No time to rest, my dear. Are you sure you are comfortable talking with me now?"
She stood and said hurriedly, "yes professor, it's urgent. I would like to"
Albus suddenly turned to Remus, who nodded and left the room.
Albus sighed and told her, " The situation now is very difficult my dear. I would rather we have these conversations with ourselves for now. We do not want others to worry now, do we?"

She looked uncomfortable and stared after the door that Remus went through. Then she said, " Harry should be brought here soon after his birthday. He will be attacked by dementors. We should prevent this."

"and does he survive? Any casualties? " Albus asked.
" Er.. Yes, he survived because he cast a patronus. And saved other casualties, his cousin. But.. He had to "

Albus stood up" then I think it will be better to not interfere "

She stared at him wide eyed. As he started to move, she suddenly ran behind him and was begging.." please professor, it's causing him big troubles. A full court hearing. Almost getting expelled. Please professor, bring him here. Save him. "
Albus stopped outside the front door and faced her "casting patronus and almost expelled! Well then, it's nothing we should worry about. I know you are eager to meet him dear. No need to make such stories. Now please excuse me. "
With that he left.
Remus looked at the girl as silent tears were fell down her face. He slowly neared her. She turned to him and said," Him too? Remus, why doesn't he believe me? "
Remus didn't know what to say. He just took her hand and stayed silent as she cried onto his shoulders.
" As much as I hate to interrupt your whatever sessions, I think you forgot the day Moony" Sirius said in an irritated tone now. Remus suddenly looked at the setting sun and panicked. He quickly pulled away from her and looked at her, "I gotta go. Full moon. No time. See.." he hesitated at the door. " don't worry Ara, these days all are having trust issues. Give them some time. They will trust you just like me. I'm sure you will be alright here. Hold on." she suddenly ran over and gave him a tight hug. Then even more quickly jumped back and looked at him with red face and said "sorry.. I am just stressed.I didn't mean.. like that.. Urghh... Just forget it please. Go on. Take care"
Remus laughed at her silliness and patted her arm gently. He waved to Sirius who nodded stiffly back and was gone.
"So... " she turned to see a rough looking Mr Black" are you going to wait at the doorsteps for my best mate or have dinner and sleep? "
She didn't answer but got up and left to her room.
" Oy! What about dinner? " sirius yelled. But a door slammed in response.
" What's her problem with me? "
Sirius muttered under his breath. As far as he remembered, no girl preferred Moony over him. And suddenly he was wondering why it bothered him. He never cared which girl preferred whom (except that Lily prefering prongs of course).

Seems like the mystery maiden has quite a mysterious effect on their lives, he thought.

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