chapter i

387 16 4

A cemetery just outside New Orleans 1820

Seraphina had always believed that there was right and there was wrong. She used to believe that God was the one to decide right and wrong. She now knew that wasn't the truth. Who is good and who is bad is all in the eye of the beholder. While she may believe someone was bad another person may believe them to be good. Of course Seraphina always believed that her decision was the only right decision, she believed that if she decided someone was bad then they were bad. There was no question about it.

It's that mindset that brought her to where she is now, New Orleans.

Over the past 19 years Seraphina had held a grudge against witches. It was understandable seeing what had happened all those years ago. So she did what any sane person would do, she hunted them all down and sent them straight to hell. Of course she could never seem to hurt the children, that was one thing she would never do. She always tried to choose the covens that had little to no children so that she could avoid the inner turmoil of killing a children's family as much as possible.

Shaking off the thoughts of families, Seraphina sighed before letting a wicked grin cross over her face. She push open the gates of the cemetery with a startling bang. With a smirk still on her face she sauntered through the graves.

Seraphina took notice of the eerie silence in the cemetery. Clearly if she wanted some fun she would have to kick it all off.

"I know you're out there...come out come out wherever you are...I promise I don't bite. Well, not unless I'm asked to." The girl sung out in a teasing matter, a wide grin on her face. She went to open her mouth again but was cut off by someone clearing their throat from in front of her. A woman.

"Ah finally, I was beginning to get impatient." Seraphina explains with a small chuckle.

"Why are you here?" The woman asked in a harsh tone.

"Ugh, it's always the same 'why are you here?' 'what do you want?' 'please don't hurt me', it's a bit repetitive sweetheart. Don't you have anything new?" Seraphina imitated, making the woman just stare at her. "Well? I'm waiting. Come on, surprise me!" Seraphina exclaimed throwing her arms up in the air.

"You're not welcome here." The woman stated.

"Ehh, it's new but similar. Oh well, I best tell you my reason for coming here. You see, I'm here to kill you and your coven. Oh but don't worry, it won't take long, I have other places to be tonight. I'd say 20 minutes should do the trick." Seraphina stated in a casual manner, the other woman could only stare at her in horror.

Sensing that Seraphina meant trouble, the woman began to mutter a spell as her coven came out from the shadows. Of course she didn't get very far before Seraphina sent a fireball her way, burning her instantly.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry, my hand just slipped." Seraphina explained in a mocking voice, waving her fire covered hand. The remaining witches and warlocks only got angrier, she could tell, she could see it in their eyes as they started firing spells at her from every direction.

Seraphina only huffed at their pea sized brains.

"Time for a show..." Seraphina muttered.

Seraphina rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck before she let herself transform. Huge, black wings sprouted from her back while her body was quickly covered with thick shiny scales, a breathtaking mixture of ruby red and night black. The last thing that changed were her eyes, and my god they were terrifying. The sinister red glow that swirled with mischief just added to the wicked darkness of the ten foot creature standing before them.

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