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Sunday 12:30 AM

"Over here Nayeon!". I shouted waving at her as she got off the bus in order for her to see me.

She quickly noticed me and made a little jog over to where I was standing. "I hate taking the bus". She whined as she stopped infront of me. "Well we don't have cars so that's our only way of transportation" I answered raising my shoulders at her.

"But the people on the bus are so weird, especially the men". She complained making a disgusted face while shaking her head. I laughed at her "that's the reality of public transportation" I responded.

"Enough of that lets go get some boba right away, I can't wait any longer for it" I said linking my arm with hers and dragging her in the direction of the entrance of the mall.

We got our boba, which I paied for as promised and we then made our way around the mall to find things that catch our eyes.



Sunday 12:45 AM

"I'd just like to have these two things please, here's my card" I said placing a charger and earpods on the counter and giving the cashier my card.

"Is that Park Jimin" I heard someone yell as the cashiergave me back my card and handedme a bag with my things.

I looked around to see a teenage girl pointing at me and freaking out.

Oh shit! I've been caught. I thought my disguise was good I guess not.

"All I wanted was to buy a new charger for my phone" I said under my breath as I sprinted around the mall with fans running after me.

I should have brought my bodyguards. I thought smacking myself for not thinking about that before.


I crashed into some people because I was too busy in my thoughts and didn't look at where I was going.



Sunday 12:45 AM

"Look at those hair clips" Nayeon said point to a store which sold hair accessories. "they're so beautiful" I said in awe as I looked at them.


Both of our drinks fell to the floor as we got pushed by someone.

"MY BOBA!" Nayeon yelled dramatically as her boba flew out of her hand and straight to the floor.

"I'm so sorry" someone who sounded like a male said before pulling us into the same hair accessory store we were looking at.

"What the hell is that for" Nayeon yelled as she pulled the person's hoodie off.

Her eyes became big as she did so and the person who happened to be a boy ran off behind one of the display shelves to hide.

Wrong number - Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now