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Sunday 5:15 PM

I woke up groaning as my back was hurting from laying on the floor, I sat up and looked around only to find Jimin passed out on the couch we had in the practice room. Getting up from the floor I walked over to him and taped him lightly, he opened his eyes almost immediately which meant he fell asleep not too long ago.

"What are you doing here practice ended like 3 hours ago" I asked while looking at the time on me phone.

"I was waiting for you" he responded tiredly.

Jimin is usually the first person to take a bath after weve finished practicing because he cant stand being all sweaty and dirty, so he was either worried about me being by myself or he was up to something. I decided not to question him as I know he would give himself away eventually.

"Okay well then lets go" I said as I made my way out of the practice room.

"Wait up!" he shouted while rushing to unplug his phone from charging.

We made our way up to the dorm and he started to lecture me about sleeping on the floor and how its bad for my back and I have no choice but to listen to him because hes right.

"Arent you tired of losing your charger" I asked trying to change the topic of our conversation to the new charger he had bought today.

"I dont understand why I keep losing them" he responded in defeat.

"You also need to stop going around in public without a bodyguard we both know youre bad at staying undercover" I lectured him.

"I know, but some girls named y/n and Nayeon helped me" he said smirking.

I stopped in my tracks and looked over at him.

"Did you just say y/n, are you talking about my y/n" I asked surprised.

"Well, at least I think it is, Im not too sure though because it could be someone else with the same name" he responded shrugging his shoulders.

When we got back to the dorm, Jimin went to take a bath and I decided to text y/n to see if Jimin actually met her today.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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