The silence lasted for a moment before everyone was upon me. They all spoke at once, tumbling over each other's words, but I couldn't even focus on a single voice. Deep in my chest something started to wreak havoc over my body. I put my hand over my heart and backed out of the cluster of people, falling harmlessly to my butt without a sound.

My breath was gone and suddenly I was finding it difficult to breathe. It felt as though my chest was being crushed with the weight of the world. My head was spinning and tears threatened to spill while a lump in my throat threatened to suffocate me.

"Jarvis!" Tony yelled.

His helmet fell apart and flew towards me, putting itself together around my head, knocking my battle wings off in the process. Lights flickered to life, blinding me for a moment, and I could see the Avengers watching me while Jarvis scanned my body.

"Anxiety attack, sir," Jarvis told Tony.

Tony came to my side and knelt down, putting his hand on my shoulder, tethering me to the here and now.

"It's just a panic attack, Celestial. I've had several. Take big, deep breaths and everything will be okay. You're here with us now."

My body shuddered and then the dam broke. Tears flooded my eyes and spilled over. I was dimly aware of everyone being ushered back inside the building by Peter, who, despite being treated like a child, was listened to this time. After a moment, the only people left were Tony and Thor, not to mention the unconscious god to my left. But I knew he was well under my influence and blissfully sleeping.

"Illusion jumping, as she did, takes its toll on any being," Thor explained. "Not to mention the things she may have seen."

The Iron Man mask flew off of me, freeing my face to the windy air and gorgeous sunrise. Sobs hiccuped out of me and I was so grateful for Peter in that moment.

Tony held me to his chest and I awkwardly put my hands on the shoulders of his suit. His solidness reminded me that I was here. I was really crying into Tony Starks suit. Thor was actually real, standing just before us, awkwardly wanting to help but keep distance at the same time. New York City's skyline stood breathtakingly against the blood red sunrise, a further reminder that this was more than real. This was my life and I was going to be okay.

That didn't stop the tears. Finally, Thor dropped down on his knee and hugged me as well, absorbing my shaking sobs completely. When I finally pulled away from Tony, fog was beginning to roll in, completely covering the view of the city except for the few skyscrapers around us. How long had I been crying?

I sniffed and wiped my nose on the arm of my dress, blinking the leftover tears from my eyes, having trouble tearing my gaze away from the surreal view. My heart still beat wildly against my rib cage, almost becoming painful. But I was able to breathe and stop my terrible sobbing.

"Take all the time you need, Celestial, but what happened? We need to know how damaged you are," Tony gently said, surprising me with his quiet words.

"I can't talk about it. The loss, the devastation, the absolute gore..." I trailed off, my voice not even sounding like it belonged to me.

"That's fine. I just need to know you're okay."

Finally, I looked up at him. Slowly, I nodded my head, not being completely truthful. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest but I turned my gaze away from Tony Stark and stared back out towards the foggy city. The sun poked above the fog, blinding me for a second, before I was able to bask in the light.

I could see myself reflected in my trident that lay forlornly on the ground a couple paces away from me. The girl staring back was unfamiliar. Visions of my past, present and my goddess life blurred who I really was. Bits and pieces of each life mingled together, confusing and frustrating me.

When I was able to tear my gaze away from my reflection, Tony and Thor were watching me, worried.

"Would one of you mind bringing Loki downstairs? I would like to bring my mother to Dr. Banner and see if he can keep her preserved until I can bury her."

"Of course. Anything you need, Cel," Tony said, affectionately squeezing my shoulder.

"Other than you two and Bruce, I would like to be alone, I think."

"We can handle that," Thor said, then he disappeared down the steps with Loki lying limp in his arms.

"Would you like help with your mother?" Tony asked as we walked towards her.

"Just help get her in my arms and then I'd like to do the rest."

"Of course. Just let me know when you're ready."

I sank to my knees by my mothers lifeless body; Tony stood a respectful distance back. Quietly, barely a whisper, I began singing. Water began shimmering in front of me, spreading further and further through the air until it formed a thin sheet. Carefully and gently, I waved my hand and let it rest over Freya.

My body shuddered when her slit throat stuck to the back of my eyelids like a taped up poster. The sheet of water settled beautifully, protecting her privacy along with physically protecting her body.

When I stood, Tony walked over and lifted her as gently as he could off of the ground. He put her in my arms and didn't fully let go until I was used to the extra weight and could steady myself. We moved slowly out of the cool morning air and into the stuffy stairwell. Iron Man stayed close in front of me, there to break my fall if I tripped down the stairs.

We made it to the lab without incident. Bruce helped me safely store Freya and he made sure to turn the thermostat down quite a ways. Loki lay on a table in a corner, still shackled and sleeping.

"We need to figure out a way to keep him permanently restrained and preferably behind bars," Tony said, following my gaze.

"I can help build a prison. But I would really like to sleep and give Freya a proper Norse burial."

"Yes. Take all the time you need. Can I do anything for you?"

"Actually yes. Please have two people guard Loki at all times. He shouldn't be able to get out of his restraints, but they are directly tied to my mind and energy. I would hate to unknowingly lose control and have him escape..."

"We'll set up a shift rotation," Tony assured me.

"Also, could one of you bring Eira to my room? I fear for her health."

"I could look after her, make sure she's stable and all," Bruce offered.

I nodded. "Yes. I think that would be good. Please bring her to my room afterwards. I want to be the first face she sees. It's changed slightly, but she'll know who I am."

"I believe I must retire as well. Illusion jumping is tough," Thor piped up, looking at me. I shrugged as if to say, "Don't ask me how you got there."

Tony had shed his suit, so hugging him was a lot easier. He rubbed soothing circles on my back until I let go.

"Sweet dreams, Celestial."

(2)The Avengers: The Goddess of the Sea Where stories live. Discover now