The two men drug Loki out with some difficulty, then the door shut behind them and I was plunged into silence. I had to gather some courage before I could walk up to Freya.

Pulling the makeshift sheet back, her face looked peaceful and beautiful much to my relief. The gash in her neck was open and grotesque, but I couldn't dwell on that. I grabbed a first aid kit and a stool. I'd never stitched anyone up before, but it wouldn't save her anyway and it was a way to say goodbye without having to talk.

Hunched over my mother's body was where I stayed for the next hour and a half, focusing on the needle that was slowly repairing her wound. After I finished, I covered her with the sheet again. It was all I could handle.

I left the lab, leaving Peter's sweatshirt where I had found it, and made my way back to my room. There was nothing to do except stare out my window, which is exactly what I'd done. When it came time to leave, I threw my battle armor and helmet back on; I'd have to go to my castle to find a suitable dress.

The living room was full this time around. When I walked in, everyone looked up and stared. They were used to Thor's Norse getup but it was different with me; except the one time I wore a goddess dress to a Halloween party that my friend Ariel and I attended. My knees were shaking in my knee high boots, but I tried not to let it show.

"Eira, it's time to go back home, darling," I said, my voice sounding foreign even to my own ears.

She bounced up and came to my side, grabbing my hand and holding tight.

"We'll be going to Folkvangr to put Freya to rest. Everyone is welcome, although one or two people will need to stay back to watch Loki. He doesn't deserve to be there."

"I can stay. I'm sure Fury wouldn't mind helping," Clint volunteered.

"Very well. Thank you. Eira and I will leave now, I must prepare myself. I wouldn't doubt her village already knows; a world tends to begin falling apart after the death of its queen. The rest of you can come along with Thor. Folkvangr sunset, Thor. Would you please help Tony with her body as well?"

The god gave me a small nod.

"Let's get you back to your family," I told Eira, bending down to straighten her shield on her back.

With a last look at the Avengers, we turned and left. I pulled my trident out of the air just in case, willing to do anything to protect the little girl by my side. We made our way up to the roof, my heart began thumping hard with fear. Each time I'd been on that roof, nothing had went well for me.

We made it with no incidences, so I did the one thing I never thought I'd be able to do. With Eira held tightly on my hip, I lifted my trident into the air and called on the Bifrost. Lightning crackled, making the hair on my arms stand to attention. Thunder rolled in the distance, but seemed to rumble deep in my chest at the same time.

As if we were being struck by lightning, the Bifrost landed atop us, enveloping first me, then Eira in its multicolored light. I secured my other arm around the child as we shot into space, traveling faster and faster with every passing second. Then before I could speak a full sentence, we were landing on the Bifrost bridge, Heimdall smiling at us.

"Welcome back, sea goddess," he smiled warmly at me and gave Eira a high five.

"Thank you, Heimdall."

"All in a day's work, ma'am."

We took our time walking the Bifrost bridge. In all honesty, I was a little nervous that everything would be in ruins as I saw in the illusion. Thankfully, everything was in tact and all was quiet. Once we made it to my beach, I dropped Eira's hand and crouched down to her level.

"I need to go to my castle to get ready for the funeral. Would you like to come with?"

She cast a timid glance at the ocean water before giving me a hesitant nod.

"Okay, then when I tell you, I want you to take a big breath, hold it, and come under the water for me. Don't let out that air until I tell you to, okay?"

"Okay," she shyly said.

We waded into the water, my feet turning into my iridescent tail immediately, and I held Eira as I swam farther out to sea. I brushed her hair out of her eyes as we slowed and I used my tail to keep our heads above water.

"All right, are you ready?"

She nodded.

"Big breath in one, two, three."

(2)The Avengers: The Goddess of the Sea Where stories live. Discover now