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There's nothing but silence on the other end of the phone. It's like this for so long Jordan thinks she might have hung up.

"Morgan? Are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm still here. I'm just trying to let that sink in. Okay so Abby's pregnant. I'm assuming by you. Wow. Ummm, what are you going to do about it?"

He hesitates because he truly doesn't know what he can do about it. "I'm not really sure yet. I wanted to talk to you first and see what your thoughts might be. Would you still want me if I had a pregnant ex in the picture? That's my main concern honestly. I'm not really interested in having a kid with Abby, but I'd never ask her to get rid of it. I wouldn't try to stop her either if that's what she wanted to do. But as far as how involved I'd be would depend on you."

She feels a bit uncomfortable knowing he'd be nonexistent in his kids life if that's what she wanted. But of course that's not what she wants. "Jordan I'd never make this decision for you. You have to decide this for yourself. But I will say I love you. And that includes any baggage you come with. I'd be good with whatever you decided. I'm in this for the long haul, no running when things get tough, right?"

He sighs heavily. "Babe, you are so amazing. This is why I love you so much. Thank you for loving me too." Jordan laughs, "God Morgan you have no idea how much better I feel now. I was so worried you wouldn't want me when you heard Abby was pregnant.  I mean I kept thinking no woman would want to have to deal with someone else's baby. With its screaming and crying and dirty diapers. I mean I wouldn't blame you. I'm glad you're the strong one between us. I'm sure you know Abby won't make it easy for us. I need you to know she's got a very vindictive side. She grew up always getting what she wants. I'm so glad I'll have you by my side."

Morgan starts thinking about what all he's saying. She hadn't really thought about how hard it might be. She doesn't like the thought of Abby causing them issues. Her relationship with Jesse had always been so easy. It had been pretty effortless. Why is she trading easy for difficult? Why would she choose a more stressful path? Morgan almost immediately starts having second thoughts. She liked her life being so carefree. She didn't want to voluntarily allow anyone to interfere with that, but that's exactly what it felt like she was doing. Morgan needs to talk to Amy, she just really needed her best friend.

"Morgan, are you okay? You got really quiet again. You still with me?"

"Yeah J, I'm still here. I was just thinking. So what's your plan? When do you think you'll be back in Boston?"

Jordan wishes he was already back in Boston, but he doesn't honestly know how to answer her. He's got so much to take care of here first. He really can't put off breaking up with Abby. He really needs to do that tonight. "Hopefully soon babe. I'll definitely come visit you this weekend if that's okay. Right now though I need to tell Abby about us. I hope she takes it as well as Jesse did. I'll call you tomorrow? Love you."

"Love you too"

Morgan begins freaking out as soon as they hang up. She grabs her keys and heads over to see Amy.

Within five minutes Morgan is banging on Amy and Donnie's door before she walks in.

Amy and Donnie are watching TV when she comes in. Morgan dramatically drops onto their loveseat. "Oh my God you guys, what the fuck have I done?"

Amy pauses the show they're watching. "See I knew you'd regret what you've done. Morgan it's okay, we'll find a way to get Jesse to forgive you."

Morgan stares at her best friend, dumbfounded by her comment. "That's not what I'm talking about. I love Jordan. I don't regret my decision to end things with Jesse. Jesse deserves to find someone who will love him the way I love J. I'm freaking out because he called me and told me Abby's pregnant. He said it doesn't change anything between us, he still plans to break up with her and transfer to his work's Boston office."

Donnie takes Morgan's hand and pulls her over to sit next to him on the couch. He puts his hand around her shoulders and pulls her against his side. She lays her head on his shoulder. "So tell us why you're freaking out then. It sounds like he really wants to be with you, no matter what. Where's the problem Morgan?"

"I told him I didn't care that Abby was pregnant. That I loved him and any baggage he came with. Then he said something and it hit me that there'd be a screaming baby and dirty diapers. I'm not sure I'm ready for that. And I'm definitely not ready to deal with a angry baby mama. It's too much. Why can't it just be easy? I'm used to easy. I don't know if I can handle hard."

Donnie turns and faces Morgan. "Morgan you are one of the strongest people I've ever known in my life. You can do anything you put your mind to. I know if you want to make it work with Jordan nothing will stand in your way. Don't let something as small as a screaming baby and a baby mama scare you off."

Morgan can't help but smile. Donnie's such an amazing friend to her. And she knows Amy will come around, once she sees how happy Jordan's going to make her. She knows her best friend just wants her to be happy and to never get hurt again.

"Amy, what do you think?" Morgan wants to make sure Amy knows her opinion is still wanted.

Amy looks at Donnie before she answers. "Morg, I just don't want you to  get hurt again. But if you're willing to forgive him for the past then so can I. As long as he's making you happy, you have my full support. Now I may forgive him but I'll never forget. And Morg you shouldn't either."

"Amy give him a real chance, you'll see how much he's changed. Donnie thank you for the pep talk. You're right, I can handle whatever is thrown at me as long as I have Jordan." She feels so much better after talking to both of them.

She smiles all the way back to her house. Her thoughts on Jordan and how happy she is they've found a way back to each other.

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