Chap. 10

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To JaymieandDylan J here’s what you’ve been waiting for!!!

“We’ve all done something that we deserve to be punished for.” Hades sneered with hatred in his voice.

“And what was your ‘something’?” I know I should be scared of this guy but I was really curious. What is Hade’s story?

“My story?” Hades chuckles. “Well Cleston, it’s much similar to yours actually. Before my fall, I too was in love. The second most powerful angel, under God of course, took my breath away every time I saw her. Every smile, I felt it was meant to be mine.

Now I wonder why she smiled at me that day in the first place. Two ‘days’ later I made my move. I know it was wrong from the start; loving someone more than I did the Lord but I did. I loved everything about her.

 The way her golden hair laid against her back when I watched her walk away. While her ocean blue eyes shined from my lingering kiss. She told me my touch felt like electric sparks across her porcelain skin.

E very day with her was the best days of my existence, so amazing. I wanted to spend eternity with her so bad it made me forget why God made me. I became blinded by love. Greed took over me. I began to constantly feel greed and an emotion I was not accustomed/meant to feel.

The more and more my angel came close to being with God; the more I became close with the emotion jealousy.  I didn’t want to feel that way, but that’s how I ended up her. By loving a women so much I was blinded by what mattered the most.”

Wow, I knew he had been in love but I never knew the girl was what drove him crazy. There’s more to this man than an inferno heart.

When Hades doesn’t finish the story I take it as a –finishanotherday- type of thing.

I glance back at Hades and wonder what’s silenced him.. He’s fallen into himself; lost in memories of his past love. There’s no doubt in my mind that that’s what was going through his ancient brain at the moment.


This is all I have for the moment but promise to write more over the weekend!!! Enjoy! Read, vote, comment!!

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