Chapter 2- Revelations

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Alisa POV

I wake up to a loud chorus of noises. Ivy steps out of her coffin the same time as I do as the shadows rush around telling us to get ready. We are just about to sit at the table when I feel a sudden pain in my hand. I look at it and see the spark...but its red. I fight back tears and squeeze my eyes shut. This damn spark is a curse which will always haunt me.

The familiar dizziness overtakes my brain and I land in a castle. Wait...I have seen this before, in my other visions when I was connected with Dracula. It is Dracula's castle. I look around, when suddenly I hear a scraping noise. Elisabetha's coffin shifts and opens. 

"Where are you my love?" She says.

I gasp and her eyes meet mine in a cold, hard gaze. Its as if she can look into the depths of my soul. She hisses at me, fangs showing, before dizziness overtakes again. When I open my eyes again, I am back surrounded by my friends.

How is this possible? Dracula destroyed the knot. He freed his soul...freed me from the spark...and now its back. How is Elisabetha awake? The knot was destroyed, so everything should have stayed the same. She should have been trapped with the Devil...but she's awake and looking for Dracula. 

I can still feel a strange sensation like humming, in my blood and my heart is hammering against my chest.

"Alisa... are you okay?" Ivy asks worriedly. I manage to nod, even though it is a lie. I am not okay at all. After the knot was destroyed, I thought I could be normal. That I could have a normal shot at life...but it wasn't meant to be.

I take a deep breath before speaking. "I saw Elisabetha...awake and she's looking for Dracula." 

There are murmurs between the other heirs and Lars helps me up. 

"Do you think we should tell the Elders?" Karen asks, her eyes full of concern.

"Tell the Elders what?" Conte Claudio's appears from the Elders room. The others, including my mother are behind him.

The whole room goes silent and then Lars speaks up. "Alisa had another vision, the spark is back. She saw Elisabetha awaken."

There are gasps and whispers between the Elders and Lars wraps an arm around my waist. What a strange sight it must be for the Elders after years of hostility. A Dracas with his arm around a Vamalia's waist. A Dracas and Vamalia in love.

"I see...we Elders will discuss this issue," Conte Claudio says while the Elders leave the room.

'It'll be fine Alisa we're all with you,'  Lars assures me. I give him a small smile which he returns.

"Man and I thought the quest was over! This time take me and Luciano with you, last time we were stuck in prison with all those old farts!" Seymour grins, whispering the last part. This causes smiles and laughs around the room. I do feel sorry for them, imagine how boring it must have been to be stuck with the Elders of all people.

'I know right,'  Lars agrees. I turn to him and see a smirk plastered on his face. 

"We should try found out some more info on this red spark. To the classroom!" She laughs. We all follow her.

Ivy pulls out the thick book all about vampire history and flips through the pages.

"Look, this page is about when Dracula made the deal with the devil, maybe we can figure out something from here," Lars suggests.

"Count Dracula made a deal with the devil in order to bring his wife, Countess Elisabetha, back from the dead. He agreed to exchange both their souls to bring her back," Ivy reads. "But when Elisabetha came back, horrified at what she'd become, stabbed herself through the heart while her husband was at battle. Dracula returned to find her dead and when his tears and her blood mixed, the 13 rubies were born."

"Dracula called on the devil and asked for Elisabetha to be brought back. To stop Dracula, the Noaidi made a knot, hidden in a secret location, protected by 5 tests that Dracula would have to go through. If he untied the knot, all humans would become his shadows and Elisabetha would come back. However, if a vampire with a human soul untied the knot, all vampires would become humans and Elisabetha would stay in the devil's clutches," Ivy carried on. She turned the page.

"Its blank," she said, confused. In the top left corner, in very small writing was written something.

"Wait, those are Noaidi markings. It says...rise from eternal sleep," Ivy says slowly. Suddenly, black ink starts appearing on the once blank page. 

"If the knot was ever destroyed, the human and vampire balance would remain the same and Dracula's soul would die with him. Elisabetha would be free but her soul would be forever lost. She would be evil, twisted. The spark would return to the same person but because it wouldn't include Elisabetha's humanity, the host wouldn't be connected as they were before," Lars reads.

I carry on. "Elisabetha's instinct would be to bring back her dead husband, which she could do if a part of his soul was left. The tiniest part of his soul was put inside a vase, made of black obsidian glass, in a hidden location. To get rid of the last part of his soul, the person with the spark must follow the clues in order to get to the vase and destroy it. If they succeed, Elisabetha's tie with the real world would be broken and she would turn to dust and Dracula's soul would free itself. However, if they were to fail, Dracula would also come back without a soul and the world would plunge into eternal darkness..."

We all look at each other. 

"We're gonna do this, and we're gonna win." Ivy looks at us determinedly. "Then we'll finally be free of this damn thing AND we're gonna write our own history book."

"Yes!" We all whisper yell.

"Ugh guys...we need to tell the Elders..." Lars groans.

"Come on then!" Ivy jumps up, already halfway out of the room. We follow closely behind her.

"We've figured out what's going on and what we need to do!" Ivy marches into the Elders room, plonking the book down on the table. The Elders open the book and there are whispers around the room as they read it.

"So what will you do?" Madame Audrey asks.

"We're going on another quest, to...the soul vase?" Joanne says, making up a name for the vase. After we leave the room Lars pulls me aside.

"We'll fill in Nicu and Calvina when they wake up, you should talk to your mother, she's worried about you," he whispers.

I give him a grateful nod and peck on the lips, before going to my mother.

A/N: Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this much longer chapter, dedicated to Cl07ai09re, another great writer and I hope she updates her book soon!


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