Episode 0: Genesis

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Pressing my thumb on that contract sent a shiver down my spine. This decision had such mind-blowing consequences, I couldn't even begin to grasp them. But I didn't regret it. Nothing in my old life was worth returning to. Yes, the prospect of becoming a sex worker in service of Prof. Dominus wasn't what I had in mind for my life, but compared to what I would gain, this sounded like an acceptable trade off. Especially since having sex all day sounded much more desirable than sitting at home all by myself.

"Congratulations! You've just made a life changing step. Come, we'll start right away!", I heard Prof. Dominuses voice but it took a while for me to understand its meaning. A bit shocked I said "you want to ... to do the ... the procedure right now? But I do have to settle my affairs, you know, say good bye, cancel my apartment...". It was a lie, of course. There was just no one who would care that I was gone. I couldn't fool the professor, though. He gave me his smile, which send another shiver down my spine. He gestured at another door with I hadn't noticed before and just said, "Come, follow me!".

He led me into another room which was filled with tables, laboratory benches and other stuff I couldn't identify. It looked all very sterile, very scientific and very frightening. A couple of scientists were working in the room, all of them male. I couldn't figure out what they were doing, but all of them looked up at me as I entered the room, obviously curious about the newcomer. I nodded to greet them, but they all just returned to their tasks without acknowledging me at all. Only one of them, a tall guy who looked somewhat clumsy and shy, smiled at me in response but only after a second he looked down on his table again, obviously quite embarrassed.

There was a man-sized bench standing upright in the center of the room, equipped with a white, smooth surface. Prof. Dominus pointed at the bench and said "Just stand there with your back against that bench!". I looked skeptical from the bench to Prof. Dominus, "What is this? What are you going to do?". "Well, what do you think? I'm giving you the perfect body. Don't be afraid, you'll feel great!". Still not convinced I asked what everybody would ask in that situation "Will it hurt?". His answer wasn't all that reassuring, "At the beginning, a little maybe. But that'll be over in no time. Come, it's too late for second thoughts now, you've signed the contract. And you do want to change your life, don't you?". He was right. I had made my decision, now I had to go through with it. I walked to the bench, turned around and leaned against its cold surface.

Almost instantly I felt myself lifted a bit and pulled against the bench. My head snapped back, both my arms and my legs were forced in place next to my body. I struggled but I couldn't detach any part of my body from the bench. It was like I was glued to its surface. Even my head was completely fixed onto the bench, I couldn't move it one bit. I started to feel panic rising in my guts. About 3 feet (1m) in front of me, the air started to shimmer for a split second when a mirror field was established. It allowed me to see my own reflection as I'm being held upright by that bench. "Stop, I've changed my mind! Let me down, please!". The panic started to overwhelm me. But Prof. Dominus didn't hear me or he just didn't care. A strange feeling washed over my body and I could see in the mirror that all my clothes had been disintegrated. I was completely naked now, seeing my not-so-attractive body in the mirror. Pudgy, with unregular, scrubby hair on my breast, an already bulging belly and an unimpressive, thick but short dick just barely sticking out of my bushy pubic hair. I saw my own face, looking pale and fearful, staring at myself.

Before I could even start to be ashamed being naked amongst all the people in the room and without any forewarning something stung me in the back of my neck and then the only thing I felt was pain. Such enormous pain, there are just no words to describe it, no experience to compare it to. I think I screamed, but I wasn't even sure about that anymore. My ears were exploding with noise, my eyes only saw flashes bright as the sun, my whole body was on fire.

Memoires of Corin, a Sexdroid  Where stories live. Discover now