So this is the picture of what Colleens weapons are (you'll see) and the song is miss. Jackson by panic! At the disco
Avery's p.o.v.There's something wrong about that girl, I don't know what, but I'm going to find out. I walk along the hallway deep in thought wondering what it could be. I looked up at see that I'm at a dead end, I turn around to go back the way I came. As I walk past Colleens room I noticed the door open. That's strange, I remember closing it, I look in to see Chris staring at a sleeping Colleen.
"Christopher," I whisper quickly getting his attention and motioning for him to come here. He gives a longing glance to his mate and joins me in the hall.
"Is something wrong Avery?" I give him a look,
"Chris why were you in colleens room staring at her?" He scratches the back of his neck and looks around. "Chris." I say sternly and he sighs,
"Um well we were talking... But then she kind of got mad at me..."
"Well what were you guys talking about?"
Chris gives me a look like he doesn't want to say but another look from me gets him talking. "Well we talked about the mate bond, and that's really it."
Mhhmm yeah no I'm calling bull, something must've happened because both of you have tear stained faces on." he look at me and slides down the wall to the floor.
"She tried to reject me Avery, why would she do that? She didn't want me, but after I left she said she did. I'm so confused on what I should do, she has this secret she can't tell anyone, and said if I found out would hate her." A secret she won't tell anybody? Dylan's going to hate this when I tell him.
If you tell him you mean.
No when I tell him, Em this can't be something that I just hide and hope he doesn't find out, because you know he will.
"Do you think it could something like what happened to me, something she doesn't want to talk about?"
"I don't think so, she doesn't seem like she has been through that, no offense at all Luna." I smile at Chris to let him know it's okay.
"I am going to have to tell Dylan this, he deserves to know what's going on with his beta, don't you think?" He looks at me guiltily,
"Yeah i guess we should, you know he's not going to be happy and would want to get rid of her right? I look at him and roll my eyes,
"Of course I do but he won't because I'm going to talk to him about it and everything will be fine."
"Thanks Avery I don't know what I would do without you." I smile at him and walk away knowing he's going to his room to think. I don't bother going to Dylan's office, I'm in the mood to go out. I walk to Alex's and Julia's room to see if they wanted to go out. I knock on Alex's door, not hearing any motion I open it to see Alex sleeping, it's only noon why are people sleeping for crying out loud? I slowly walk over to her bed and shake her, nothing, I'll get Julia to help me, maybe Colleen will want to join in. I knock on Julia's door and have her answer.
"Get dressed loser we're going shopping," she looks at me and shakes her head getting a jacket and putting on shoes. We walk to colleens room and get her up, and I tell both my plan. We creep into her room with a bucket of water and Colleen with my phone recording.
"Okay ready?" I whisper, "on. The count of 3... 1....2....3... Now!" Alex wakes up sputtering and looking around frantically and looks at the three of us.
"Your dead," she looks at us I look at Julia and Colleen, Alex makes a move toward us,
"Uh oh run!" We end up running from her for ten minutes having the boys break us up. Well Alex being held back by Luke and the rest of us hiding behind Dylan and Michael.
"What is going on here?" Michael asks checking All of us for injuries.
"Oh you know we decided to wake up sleeping beauty over there, but without the kiss..." I say highfiving Julia and making Colleen high five me. Luke, Dylan, and Michael hold back their laughter because of the expression Alex has on her face. "Well Alex since you basically took a shower want to get dressed and go shopping with us?" I ask giving her a smile. She gives me a look and trudges back upstairs to get ready. When she's done getting ready we all say our goodbyes to the boys and leave to go shopping.Chris p.o.v.
The girls left, including Colleen, so the boys and I are playing some games. Throughout the whole game I couldn't take my mind off of Colleen. I make up some excuse to the rest saying I'm going on a run and go get my running outfit because I won't run in wolf form. As I walk away I hear,
"He's so whipped"
"Doesn't even know her and he's having withdrawals"
"Wow another bites the dusk"
" You idiot it's dust"
"Yeah dude I don't know what your thinking"
"It's not dust it's totally dusk"
I laugh as I hear them continue to fight about this how does Dylan do it? He always is so calm and okay when Avery goes out same with Michael and Luke. I walk into Colleens room to help calm me down, I just met her and I'm already relying on her scent. I walk over to the bed and sit down knowing that I'll have to get out before my scent lingers. I hear a knock on the doorway and turn to see Dylan.
"I thought this is where I might find you," I look away and laugh,
"I just met her and I'm already relying on her to keep me sane." Dylan walks I've and sits down next to me on the bed. "What do you think she's hiding Dylan? She says she won't tell me to protect me, but I don't know." He looks at me and shakes his head,
"That is something for your mate to tell you and you to discover, I was told to never mess with the mate bond,so my advice get to know her better, see what she is like." He looks at me, nods, then leaves the room letting me think over what he said. It wasn't much but it didn't have to be, I don't even know who is, I can't live a girl who I don't even know. I get up and start walking to the door until the sun gets in my eyes, that's weird because the shades are barely up. I move to see what it is that's causing this glare to notice that it's something in box under a blanket. I move the blanket to see that it was the lock that caused it. Well i want to get to know her better time to see what she likes and is hiding. I force the box to open and look inside to see guns and knifes.
"What the f*ck?!"Colleens p.o.v.
These girls are truly crazy, here I am pretending to be their friend when in fact the rogue alpha hired me to kill Avery, and they are shopping. They act like nothing is wrong and nobody is trying to kill them, they don't get it do they?
"Helloo earth to Colleen what's going on in that head of yours? What are you thinking about?" I look up to see Avery and the girls looking at me worryingly.
"Oh nothing just in my own little world," they all nod but still give me a worried look but goes back to walking with their millions of bags. We head back to the car and somehow stuff everything in there. We head back to the pack house and see all the boys playing some game and yelling at each other. As I look around I notice that Chris isn't there, my heart breaks a little when I don't see him but then I remember what I said to him. Why do you care huh Colleen? You don't want him. I smile at the guys and tell everybody that I'm going to bring my stuff upstairs to my room. They all nod and go back to talking to their mates, Avery looks at me for a moment with sad eyes, but I just smile to get her to stop looking at me. She nods and turns around and I head upstairs. As I walk upstairs I smell Chris's scent head to my room, oh god please tell me he didn't find my stash, shit. I slowly open the door to see Chris sitting on the bed holding my gun and a bunch of knives next to him. He looks up to see me standing at the door.
"Want to explain this Colleen?" He asks holding up the gun lazily.
"What is there to explain?" He looks at me angrily and gets up stalking towards me.
"Oh I don't know how about why the fuck you have a gun and knives hiding in a box, and not to mention that the bullets are fucking silver! How about you explain that!" He yells at me and turns away going to the window and pushes his hand through his hair. He looks at me tears building in his eyes, "why Colleen, why do you have this shit?" I look away from him unable to answer him, as a tear rolls down my cheek, shit this shouldn't be happening.
"I don't think this is a good time to talk about this Chris."
"Oh I'm sorry not a good time? When is a good time huh, after you f*cking kill someone, is that a good time?!"
"I don't want to talk about it because I don't want you to hate me! You want to know why I have that? It's because I f*cking kill people Chris! I kill people, is that what you want to hear? Huh, to say what you already knew? Well congratulations you just made me hate myself even more, I hope your f*cking happy." I storm out of the room and run downstairs and out of the house not bothering to stop even when I hear people call my name. I just need some alone time and then I leave with out completing my mission.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi... Yeah I'm probably the worst person on earth right now, I haven't updated since March and I couldn't be more disappointed with myself. I just wanted to say thank you to those who stood by me this whole time while I was having some problems and hopefully I'll be able to update more, but things do happen and I am terribly sorry to everyone. I would like to thank thishairaintnatural for making the new story cover which is amazing, and for everyone else who made one too I know I mentioned you when you did it but thank you again. I hope everyone had a great summer, winter whatever season your in and if your going back to school good luck do your best and if your already in school you can do it I believe in you. PleaseCOMMENT
Thanks love you guys,
Alex <3***not edited***

I Tried
WerewolfWhat happens when a girl finally runs away from her abusive past to be free only to run into her mate? And her mate just happens to be an alpha...of the strongest pack in the world. What happens when her abusive past comes to haunt her? Before she h...