Hey guys it's Alex no this is not an update sorry:(. Just thought I would tell you that I got my phone taken away from me. I got a really REALLY bad grade on my report card my mom got really mad when it even wasn't my fault so bye bye phone. Do you want the good news or bad news first? I always like to make you feel better so bad news first. Bad news I might not be able to update soon I'll try to tonight but no promises. Good news though I got my phone back obviously. Bad news I'm going to Florida to disney (good news for me, not really you) so I'll be really busy and might not have enough time. That was actually bad and bad news sorry everyone!! Needed to tell you guys that and I thought that you wouldn't have listened if it was in a chapter so here ya go. Can I just add that I love your comments? I was probably really mean saying I don't like comments that are mean but I realized that I miss comments. I only get under 100 I use to get way more than 100. Sorry if I ever offended some of you I don't care what you comment just comment please? it makes me feel like you actually like my book and that makes me happy. I'm probably whining right now but I don't care. I love to guys and I write only to make me and you happy and when your happy I happy. Well if you read all this you guys are awesome an I give you a cookie *hands cookie to you*. I hope you all have happy holidays or if I'm to late hope you HAD a happy holiday.
Thanks love you guys,
Alex <3

I Tried
WerewolfWhat happens when a girl finally runs away from her abusive past to be free only to run into her mate? And her mate just happens to be an alpha...of the strongest pack in the world. What happens when her abusive past comes to haunt her? Before she h...