Avery's p.o.v.
I pull apart from the hug, only to become cold and lonely. Damn mate bond is all I can think. I look up at him and smile. We keep walking in the pods for what seemed forever. All of a sudden Dylan stops making me stop as well.
"What is it Dylan?" I ask curiously. He says nothing but puts his head up and sniffs the air. I copy him wondering what he trying to smell. That's when it hit me, He was smelling out rogues. They were here.
"He knows where I am. He found me." Is all I say before turning around and running deeper into the woods. Dylan kept calling my name but I wouldn't stop running. I won't let him or his pack be endanger because of me. I kept running until I couldn't run anymore. I stop and just fall to the leafy ground. I heard Dylan calling my name, but it sounded so far away. I then felt a hand on my cheek. The tingles I got from it told me it was Dylan. He looked at me pleadingly.
"Stay awake Avery! You need to stay awake, help is on the way. Just please stay awake." He meekly says before Breaking down crying. I lift my hand up to his cheek and he grabs it. He leans towards my touch,
"I'm sorry Dylan, I'm so sorry." Is all I say before closing my eyes and letting darkness overcome me.
"Dylan's p.o.v.
"AVERY!!!!!!" I scream begging she wakes up. She was saying he found her and they were here. Who is he? Her dad? Her dad hired some rogues? Why did she run? Did she think I could not protect her? So many questions ran through my head.
"A-Avery please wake up, please!" I beg again caressing her cheek hoping she would open her beautiful hazel eyes.
"P-please," I say before breaking down crying again. Chris, Michael, Luke, and my father come running only to see me over Avery's body. My dad gasps at the site.
"Dylan what happened?" He asks obviously devastated.
"I smelt a rogue, and she smelt it too. She said he found her and they're here and ran off. I ran after her only to see her fall to the ground. I called to her but s-she wouldn't answer." I cried out. " she said sorry to me then passed out. Her heart rate is slowing dad. It's slowing down." I say before crying for what felt like the millionth time.
"Son it's going to be ok. We are going to bring her to the clinic to make her well again. Can you carry her or do you want us to help you?"
"I can carry my own mate father." I say furious he would think I wouldn't be able to do such a little thing. I pick her up and walk past then knowing they'll follow. She was thin, to thin. At the point were you couldn't just see her ribs, but also feel them. She hasn't had much nutrients. She's underfed, and to weak. Her fathers fault I bet. I got to the pack house only to get stares from the members. I ignore them and rum to the clinic. I don't even bother knocking, so instead I just walk right in. Alex is also the pack doctor. She takes night classes and is awesome at healing.
"Haven't you ever hear if knocking brother? It's this great inve-" she looks up and sees Avery on my arms out cold.
"Dammit Dylan what did yo Ido to her?! Make her have a stroke?! Set her onto the table." I set her down and sit in the chair next to her.
"Nope sorry bro you gotta leave."
No I will not lea-" but before I could finish she gives me a look that says 'don't even bother. Get out. NOW.' I sigh and walk out the door and close it. I sit outside and pray. Pray that she's ok. Pray that she'll live.
Hey guys I know this is short but I just want to let you know I update on my phone. Mhhmm. So my thumbs are pretty sore right now. Just letting you know... Anyway how do to I think of this? Amazing? Horrible? You love it? You hate it? I am trying my beat here. I have no idea were this story is heading. My friend keeps yelling t me to put her in the story an I'm about ready to just shoot her. Jut kidding! I wouldn't do that. But she's getting me really annoyed. Worst part is she started liking this boy, wanna know his name.... Dylan. Now she keeps saying ' I better be with Dylan in your story.' And I'm like ' you can't be he's mates with avery!' But her not understanding what I said was like ' well me and him can run away together and he can dump the bitch, avery.' I just looked at her like she was crazy. So me being me said 'you can't jut dump your mate [her name] your mate is your other half. The person you belong with.' She just looked at me and said ' well that's stupid I should be with Dylan not avery.' I just looked a her and thought I'm going to make her something special alright. Hehe.... She wants to be in my story she going to be. I'm such a great friend right? Anyways thanks for reading my rant sorry the update was short but my thumbs are killing. I found out I was #9 in the werewolf section thing. And I can't thank you all enough!! So for that I give all of you a virtual hug! So please
thanks guys,
Alex <3

I Tried
WerewolfWhat happens when a girl finally runs away from her abusive past to be free only to run into her mate? And her mate just happens to be an alpha...of the strongest pack in the world. What happens when her abusive past comes to haunt her? Before she h...