The Mysterious Visitor

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I snuggle tightly into my blankets as the cold wind blew through the opened window. I giggled as my little sister Belle continued to sleep. She was a heavy sleeper, so I wasn't surprised to see she hadn't woken up due to the wind.

I was Belle's older sister, (Y/N). My father was the prince, and my mother a poor maiden, (so the whole 'prince saved the beautiful girl' really does happen). I was around three when Belle was born, my mother loved us both dearly, but my father never showed the same love and affection for me as he did my sister.

My thoughts clouded my tired mind as I tried to fall back asleep, but to no avail. I rolled my eyes and hopped onto the cold ground, my long white nightgown trailed across the wood behind me as I made my way to the library.

~Your Nightgown~

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~Your Nightgown~

I turn the corner when I hear something behind me "Can't sleep dearie?" I spin around to find a man in all leather~

I stepped back in fear, "no need to fear Dearie, I mean no harm", his voice was velvety and laced with many accents, but the one I heard most was Scottish

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I stepped back in fear, "no need to fear Dearie, I mean no harm", his voice was velvety and laced with many accents, but the one I heard most was Scottish. "Who are you?'' I asked quietly, he chuckled "I'm Here-to-help-you-sleep" he said with a giggle, I giggled as well "are you going to help me sleep?" He stepped closer "yes! Of course! Indeed! But it will come at a price!" I rolled my eyes "what is it you want?" I asked timidly "one of your eyelashes" he said giggly "I guess that's a good deal, but I must ask why" he laughed loudly "oh Dearie, that's not part of the deal." I shrugged and walked over to him, I slowly plucked one of my eyelashes and held it out to the mysterious man.

He grinned at me and picked up the lash, I gasped as his fingers touched my palm, I watched as he held it out to look at it, "Beautiful lash, it would make a beautiful wish" he said with a chuckle. He pulled out a small bottle and put the lash in, corked it and put it back in a different pocket than the pulled from originally.

He smiled and looked at me, "so, Dearie what keeps you awake" I chuckled. "That wasn't part of the deal either" I said jokingly, he giggled "oh Dearie, I like you, very intelligent", I blush a deep red at his words. "Well then, here you go!" He quickly booped my nose, and I was suddenly back in bed. I laid there for a second dazed before I quickly fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up the next day to Belle shaking me awake, "(Y/N), wake up!!!" I put my pillow over my face "let me sleep" I mumbled through the cloth and feathers. Belle laughed, "Come on, you already slept in past noon!" I threw the pillow on my face, "I did what!? How is it this late already!?" "I guess you were just really tired" I then remember the stranger I met last night, who the hell was he?

  Was I dreaming?-"(Y/N)!!!) I rolled my eyes as my father came storming in "why the hell are you still in bed, you're supposed to be planning for the ball tonight, to celebrate the returning soldiers, and here you are laying in bed" I raise my eyebrow "that was today?" I say sarcastically. My father grumbled and stormed back out of my room. Belle looked at me, she was shocked "goodness, what's happened to him he was fine during breakfast!" I laughed "maybe he's on his period" Belle looked back at the door and then at me "men don't get periods" I laughed as I finally got to my feet, "I know that, he's just acting he is" Belle laughed as well "he has been really grumpy lately, don't worry (Y/n) he is probably just stressed over the war." I nodded and Belle smiled "I'll let you get dressed".

I slipped out of my nightclothes and into a white dress and a corset skirt over that.

★time skip★

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★time skip★


  I finally finished the chores and cooking, and there was still about an hour until the ball.

I quickly snuck out one of the many doors in the castle and headed to the woods. I chuckled as the castle disappeared from view, the sky darkened as I continued to walk when I heard something behind me "I missed you Dearie" I giggled as the man from last night's voice echoed through the woods, I turned to face him and gasped. The man's face was covered in scales, and had the eyes of a crocodile, "are you alright?!" He chuckled "you sound worried? Why is that?" I looked at him wide eyed "your eyes, and skin!" I said frantically, he laughed again "I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me" I sigh in relief. The man stepped closer to me, "do you not know who I am yet?" I raise a brow, "I know, but it doesn't bother me." He giggled "care to say who I am Dearie?" I smirked "your Rumpelstiltskin".

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