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You sighed while walking across the street, running quickly to avoid the disturbance of jaywalking across the busy road.

You weren't wearing as much makeup, only covering the scars covering your eye and cheek. You felt some more freedom knowing everybody thought "you" were dead. Your luscious red hair looks very natural considering  it was slightly faded but still popping.

The night was dull. It was around 9 o'clock, the streets were slower than the usual bustle that scoundrels during the day.

You had left everything you owned at your "home". Leaving the crumbling house just to explore. You needed to get out form your coop.

The sky was dark, the stars not shining through the cloudy night. You went back to your old ways before any of the mess and journeyed on some roof-hopping.

The good old days.

The days where you laid low, never spoke with anyone. Never strayed from your family. It saddened you to think that life was over, but this was for the better.

"Miss?" You froze. The voice of a women sounding behind you as you jumped from the roofs.

"Yes?" You voice cracked as you forced it to sound more American rather than your native Romanian.

"Are you okay? I don't think you should be up on these roofs all alone." The voice was familiar, yet had a sad glow. You still faced away from them as you paused.

"I'm sure I'll manage.. I'm- independent." Your voice had trouble accustoming, it sounded as if you were underwater.

"Okay.." the voice sounded suspicious. You could hear their footsteps drawing closer.

"Alright- well I'll just be on my way." Your puce tried to sound cheery as you jumped across the small part to the roof beside yours.

"Wait!" The voice stopped you. Suddenly the footsteps were quickened and they had jumped across too. Your heart began to beat faster as your feet moved without notion, running away from the woman. But before you made it far, they gripped your arms ferociously. You tired to hide your whither as a small ounce of pain crippled in your arm and you ripped away, turning to face the woman quickly.

Your eyes widened as you saw Natasha standing beside you. Her eyes were focused on your features. You sat, frozen in time as your eyes met.

"El?" Natasha whispered. You shuddered from her gaze and responded quickly.

"I think you have the wrong person, I- better get home." You muttered while turning away and climbing down the side of the building, running full speed down the streets and alleys before finally pausing after knowing she hadn't followed you.


"El?" Nat whispered, those eyes were so distinctive. Her breathe was caught in her throat.

"I think you have the wrong person, I- better get home." The extremely small child said quietly before crawling down the side of the building. Natasha's breath was having trouble recovering. Her legs unmoving as she stared at the street below.

That was Elvira. She knew it was. A little makeup and hair dye couldn't hide herself from her.

The Black widows mind was fuzzy as she ventured the roofs slowly, looking for any possible indication. She didn't have camera fortage in her suit like Tony. She had no proof.

Her mind fluttered as she reached the compound and trudging towards the elevator, chewing her nail as she zoned out, the floors beeping silently in the glass creation.

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