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This is my last pre-written chapter so updates may take long because like any normal human, I do get quite busy and have trouble getting motivation to write, so be patient with me :)

Elvira's eyes opened slowly and painfully as the bright light filled them. She remembered what had happened previously. And she was now able to tell she was in the avengers tower, located in the histoplasmosis wing they had most probably expanded and built while she was away.

She sat up slowly, ignoring the uncomfortable sensation from her abdomen. She still felt pain,  immense pain, but she just chose to ignore it.

The room was empty, along with the hall. She quickly swept her feet over the bed and stood, wincing at the strong pain in her leg, limping slightly in the small casting.

She took some deep nasally breaths while gimping to the door and pushing it open. There was no one in sight. She wondered how long it had been, she only remembered vaguely waking up before and noticing Dr. Banner. But now there was no one.

She stepped into the hall slowly, allowing the slight cooler air to circulate her body, only beginning to walk down the long corridor once she heard and saw no one.

Her abdomen seared at each step, and her foot was throbbing, along with her head but she didn't care. She began to wipe some dirt from her cheek as she continued to observe the halls.

"Elvira, what are you doing?!" She heard someone shout from behind her, and footsteps were now heard. She paused and turned slowly. Remembering the person as Dr. Cho.

"Your going to rip your stitches." She said softly while reached for both of her shoulders. She reacted poorly at the sudden contact and kicked at the doctors foot, pulling her to the floor while pouncing on top of her. Dr. Cho groaned as her head banged against the tile and Elvira held Helen's arm behind her back.

"Elvira! Get off!" She shouted, it while muffled from her face being smushed into the ground. This only made her want to hold Dr. Cho down more. She was a threat in this very moment. She was trying to hurt her.

Helen reached down her pocket and pressed and button on her phone, hoping for assistance, but the button was unneeded when Bruce and Natasha both stepped out of an office all the way down the hall.

"Help!" Helen shouted. Elvira's body impulsed itself off of hers, pushing its self against the brick wall, it kept pushes like it was trying to go through the wall. You phases in place before phasing into the room behind you. It was locked from the inside and you ignored the darkness and continued to push backwards into the wall. Thinking deeply.

"Help!" You had shouted through the back of a military issued car, hidden away in the trunk. There were small slits for air and to view the world but they didn't provide much air.

You coughed loudly and tried every possible way to open the hot trunk. But it was useless. You were being kidnapped and you could do nothing about it.

You noticed the streets turning to dirt and the houses turning to trees. You were getting farther and farther away from the city.

The terrain was louder, but of course no people could here you now. You cried lightly as the car tumbled down the street. Still trying blindly to be set free.

Soon enough a gate was opened and you were pulling into a secluded area. The building was small. Very small. The car was turned off and after multiple moments, the trunk was opened and you were placed into someone's firm grip, handcuffed immediately.

"Hey! Let me go!" You shouted while kicking the man's shine and thrashing around. Another guard shut you up by zapping you with a high tech taser, allowing you to slump forward with a groan.

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