Chapter Two: The First Plan

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My chest started to tighten and my throat felt like there was a knot as big as Russia in it. My eye started to water as I looked at Zac in disbelief. "What?" I asked Zac confused as if he was going to know the answer, he was finding all this out at the same time I was."I-I-I don't know cove. How?" Zac sounded so hurt, so confused. Zac and Nina were close, like as close as a mother and son can get; spending every day together since birth. "Cove," Zac said scared "we have to leave ..." He sounded like that was the only option. I knew it was but I didn't want to. : We just can't leave Zachary, not after our fathers just lost their wives." I can't leave and go into the world not knowing what's out there. "WHAT! were you reading the same letter, Cove? OUR "FATHERS" KILLED OUR MOTHERS, or had them killed!" He yelled so loud. "No, they did-" he cut me off before I could finish. "YES, they did! they hired 2 men to kill our mothers! They're the accessory."

I never understood why people kill people. I knew we had to leave, whether it's back to Russia or somewhere else in the US, I knew we had to leave. " Fine, we'll leave. The only thing we have to worry about is Christopher." I said the with so much uncertainty." Your brother? Christopher? He's been missing for 6 years." Zac didn't know that Chris had come back when Mom died. " He came back when mom and Nina died." I knew what was coming... "So, It's kinda convent that our mothers die and then all of the sudden your brother is back intern." He sounded hurt. My brother and Zac have never really got along well. Chris is 5years older than us and he's always teased Zac for having a crush on me since we were kids, I think it's kind of funny but Zac does not.

We were getting ready to leave, when - "Well well well. Look who it is, Zachy Boy in the flesh." Chris said bursting through the door. "Great, Look who the Mafia dragged in. What do you want Christopher?" Zac sounded so angry when he said that, like his whole mood shifted from sad to angry in what seemed like a second. "*Gasp* I am offended Zachy, I am going to be your brother-in-law someday so I'm going to let that one slide." Chris was always so jokey and sarcastic, so sometimes it was hard to tell when he was serious or joking. "Whatever Christopher. Covelyn you ready." Zac only ever called me Covelyn around Chris, because if he calls me anything else (Cove/Covy) he'll never hear the end of it from Chris. "Ooo where are you two going?" Chris asks in a weird Childs' voice. "Why are you always concerned with what me and Covy- Covelyn are doing? We just have to run to the store more Morozov."

Zac tripped up and forgot who he was talking to for a second, "Covy? Interesting. I didn't know you had nicknames for each other. How cute." And there goes Chris not knowing how to just leave a situation alone. "God Chris, can't you just leave us alone for once as you did for 6 years? I don't need this right now and I don't need it even. Come on Zachary we have shit to do." I said that but I was only supposed to be acting like I was mad, but acting turned into real life, real fast and I said a bad language word. "Damn Cove I didn't think you had that in you." Zac said laughing as we walk downstairs, " you didn't think I had what in me? The cleaning up your mess part because it seems I'm always doing that." I said laughing but I 100% mean it. " HA okay, let's just remember summer 2023."

Ah, summer 2023 me and Zac were 13 just celebrated our first year in the US, and Jonny Van'Daren was the hottest guy I had seen since moving to America. I and him hit it off and invited him to my birthday party, he showed up, and we kissed in the bounce house; it was Zac's bounce house no matter what he tries to tell you, But I and Jonny kissed and then the next day at school he told everyone who did a lot more than kiss...A LOT MORE, and I have you know the only thing that boy got from me was a freshly new 13-year-old peck. Zac and he fought that same day. Zac was always fighting boys who messed with me in Russia, he even once fought my brother ( he lost) but he still fought him.

Cove- "whatever Zac that was ages ago."

Zac- "Cove, it was 3 years ago.. like literally 3 years ago." Zac was always so literal, he had the dates and times down as he studied them

Cove- "How do you always know when things happen?"

Zac- "How do you mean, cove?"

Cove- "I just mean, like you always have the times and dates down, like you have flashcards with important events that happened in our lives." Of course, he laughed at me

Zac- " Because Cove, it was supposed to be my future job." He's talking about the mafia.

Cove- "You were going to work for them?"

Zac-"*laughs* them? you mean your father?" Zac said that so sarcastic but serious sometimes.

Cove- "He isn't my father anymore."

Zac- "Cove, you know you always say that and still end up going home every ni-"

Cove- "Not this time Zac, It's different."

Zac-" Am I wasting my time with you?"

Cove- " What are you talking about?"

Zac- "I just want to know if you're going to cry mommy and daddy when things get hard or if you're going to walk out the door with me right now."

Cove-" Well the fact that our moms are dead, and our fathers-"

Zac-" your father."

Cove-" My father had then killed, I say I won't be crying mommy or daddy anytime soon, unless I meet a hot guy in which I'd then be "

Zac- "Ok ok, gross cove."

Cove-" You ask I answer Zachy boy."

As I and Zac left no one had questions, we passed everyone it seemed like, and still, no questions like "where are y'all going ?" Or "What are y'all doing?" Nothing. Like they knew we were leaving but didn't want to say anything.

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