Chapter Six: The Talk

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Cove and Jack walk through the door

Cove-"Hey guys, Sorry we're late. We were supposed to get the first flight out last night but (Sighs and looks at Jack) someone waited til the very last minuet to start packing  his things, so we missed that flight then the other flights had delays all night so we had to wait in the gross airport .

Josh- "I'm just glad to see that Jack isn't dead."

Zac-"Seriously I told you to watch yourself."

Josh-"OOO, Zac actin' all big and bad cause his girls back. What are you gonna have her do? kill me?"

Cove- "I just might. You never know." She says with a smile.

Josh- "What?"

Cove- "Yeah, I've always been unpredictable ya know. It also doesn't help that I know exactly where you sleep." Cove smiles and laughs "Im must kidding. Trust me when I say, If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead."

Josh approaches cove and get really close, almost touching his nose on hers

Josh- "I'm not afraid of you cove." He says with a serious tone in his voice

Cove-"You probably should be." She says with a serious but joking tone

Cove squints her eyes a little while remaining eye contact, and tilts her head slightly.

Zac- (Sighs) "Oh no" he says and rolls his eyes while putting his hand on his forehead.

Cove grabs Josh by his wrist and twists his arm around. Now his back is facing her and his arm is bent. She puts her arm on his shoulder and pushes him down on the table really hard. She get really close to his ear from the back of him while still holding his wrist.

Cove-"Listen Josh, it's been real fun play 'ring around a Rosie' with you. I have to say you have some strength, but if you want to try and play with an ex-mafia princess. You'd have to make sure she wasn't the queen of killing first understood?" She says almost whispering while smiling.

Josh nods

Cove-"Good because the last thing I need is for someone to think I'm soft." She says smiling

Cove lets josh go and when he gets back up, she pats him on his back

Cove- "Good, now I just need for everyone here to understand one thing. Yeah I used to kill people and honestly it wasn't that fun, But do not ever think you are a step ahead of me. You can't 'betray' me or 'scare' me or even 'shock' me. I see everything coming. I am ALWAYS 10 steps head. 9 times out of 10 I've already done or thought about the outcome of your idea. I do not care if you judge me for killing, I really don't, because once we are done working together we'll  all be killers.

Kai- "That's not the  issue. We don't care that you killed people, or that you were in the mafia. We care that you preached trust, but hide the most important part of you and this mission, from us."

Cove-"And I'm sorry, I truly am for doing that."

Jack- "Are you? Because you don't really seem to apologetic right now."

Cove- "Yes, I am sorry. I've never really had to apologize for my actions before just other peoples. Sorry for not telling you guys my deep secrete. Sorry to everyone but josh."

Kai-"Why not josh?"

Cove- "Because he's acting like he didn't know the whole time. Plus he knew that I was going to tell everyone when I got back so why he didn't have my back when the time came is beyond me. I saw it coming. But that doesn't really strike me as a team player thing."

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