Chapter Seven: The Truth Comes Out

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Cove Narrating- As I walked to my room after talking to Kai and literally everyone else, I realized that what I did was a horrible mistake and wish I could take it back. unfortunately I can't take back what we did. We didn't have sex like everyone is thinking we did.

Flash Back to the Hotel room:

Cove and Jack make eye contact as his head is in-between her thighs.

Cove reaches down and pulls him up by his collar, so they are face to face.

Cove- "I don't think that's a good idea." She says out of breath.

Jack- "and why is that?" He says in a sexy tone

Cove groans - "because we are late for the red eye and we have to be back at camp soon or they'll think we died or something."

Jack- "But I wanna tas-" he begins but cove puts her hand over his mouth.

Cove- "Shh, I get it. The answer is no. We can't, if anyone found out we'd be-"

Jack- "What excited?" He laughs "No one would care."

Cove- "fine, but we aren't going any farther, I mean it."

Jack chuckles- "don't worry princess. I know."

Cove narrating- he starts to kiss me all over my neck and leaves a trail of kisses to my inner thigh, before kissing the other one. He starts with his laugh over my sensitive area and takes his time as if he's teasing me.

Cove- "Jack..." She says in a moan

Jack looks up "Something wrong?" He smiles

Cove- "No... Just... stop teasing." She says panting

He smiles and goes back to licking her sensitive area.

Cove Narrating- As he is licking my sensitive area, I can feel myself coming undone, I move my hand to my mouth to muffle the scream I'm about to let out.

Jack takes his hand and grabs my wrist to move my hand. Cove looks at him confused.

Jack- "I want everyone to be able to hear what I am able to do to you." He smiles

Cove- "I... don't think... that's a good idea." She moans.

Cove narrating- Jack takes both of his hands and holds my wrists down so I can't cover my mouth, and he continues to move his tongue up and down as fast as he can over me, until I moan as loud as I can while coming undone. He does this 3 more times before ehe stands up and says:

Jack- "Okay, get yourself together cause we have to get to the airport." He smiles and walks over to his suitcase.

Flashback ends.

Cove shakes her head to remove the memory from her head.

A knock comes from Cove's door and she turns around quickly and looks through the peephole.

Cove- "Seriously, I do not need this right now." She says under her breath before answering the door.

Josh- "Hey."

Cove- "You're really trying to make me kill you aren't you." She says moving out the way so he can enter.

Josh- "If you wanted me dead I'd be dead." He says using her words from earlier.

Cove- *scoffs* "What do you want?"

Josh- "listen I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for not having your back, I've just been with these people for so long. I mean, how would it look if I just all of the sudden had the new girls back?"

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