Chapter 50: Hoping

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Still Namjoon POV

It's already 1 months since she started ignoring me and now she still ignored me . I'm the one who keep talking with her . Today she go to work by Taxi . I already texted her and said that I will fetched her . Now I'm in the car going to hospital . Everyday I hoping she will said she love me . I love her so much . Do what you want to do , Y/N . My love just for you and I mean it ! She ignored me for 1 months . But I never said I hate her . I saw her face already make me calm . But I miss her baby face especially . After a few minutes , I arrived at hospital . I call her .


Namjoon: Hey baby ! How are you doing ?
Y/N: Good .
Namjoon: You already done with your work ? I'm waiting in front of hospital to fetch my beautiful wife .
Y/N: 10 mins . I need to clean my room .
Namjoon: Need my help ?
Y/N: No thanks .
Namjoon: Okay then . I'm waiting . I love you , baby !
Y/N: Okay .

End conversation

She ended the call . I'm talking with her in happy tone . I mean it's like nothing happend . But she ? She talking with me annoyed . It's hurt me actually but it's okay . I believe one day she will love me back . After 10 minutes , I saw she walking to me . She open the passenger's door and sit beside me . She closed the door back and put her bag behind .

"Hey baby ." I stretched her hair with a smiled . I miss her so much . This is me for 1 months . I always treat her like my wife . Like my queen . But she treat me like her friend . It's okay . I know she still can't forgive me .

"Hey ." She take out her phone and look at it . She didn't even looked at me . I smiled and start driving . Then I think something . What if I try this plan ? I don't know it's gonna worth or not . What I know I want to do this . I want to tell her how much I love her today . I hoping she will hug me . She will said she love me . I'm hoping that . I keep driving but I also try to look at her . Her beautiful face . Her soft hair . Her sweet lips . Her angel eyes . Her small ear . Her baby nose . Her chubby cheek . She so cute . I chuckled quietly looked at her . After a few minutes , we arrived at house . I park my car and take her bag .

"I bring it . You looked tired ." I said and she nods . She followed me to main door as I open the door . Ailee is staying with Yoongi so she's not here . I don't know why my daughter more like staying with his uncles and aunts ! Omg . We are her parents and she love her uncles and aunts more ? But I didn't care actually . I can spend more time with my baby ! Although she ignored me . I open the main door and we both go in . I closed the door behind and she looks like want to go upstairs but I followed her .

"Baby . Wait ." I said . She stare at me as I bring her bag and put it at couch . I stare at her and hold her shoulder .

"What ?" She asked .

"Can you listen to what I want to said ?" I asked as she nods . I take her both hand and stretched it .

"You know that I -" I stop . Because I noticed something . I stop staring at her and looked at her hand . Where our marriage ring ? Where her bracelet that I buy when I didn't come to our wedding ? She didn't wear it ?! Yesterday the ring and branclet still there .

"Where our marriage ring and the bracelet that I gave ?" I asked . No . S-She take it out because she thought she will be my ex wife . Right ? N-No ! My eyes suddenly full of water . I mean . I almost crying but I hold it .
She ignored me .

"Baby . Where our marriage ring and the bracelet ? I-I still wear it . Y-You left it at hospital ? Or bathroom ?" I asked softly but she ignored me again .

"Y/N ! I'm asking you !" I shout .

"I already take it out ! Remember ? I hate you . Why you wear that fucking ring ?" She said make me shocked . I-I didn't believe this is her . She said she hate me . She admitted she take it out . She called this ring as fucking ring .

"N-No . Y-You lied right ?" I asked worriedly .

"No ! I take it out . For what I wear it ? I hate you so much . You are the one who love me . I didn't love you . I don't need that fucking ring and bracelet ." She said . My tears dropped finally .

"Y/N ! You realized what you said ?! That's our marriage ring ! Why ?! I love you so much ." My tears keep dropping .

"And I hate you so much ." She said and want to leave but I grabbed her wrist make her turn to me back .

"Baby ! Y-You want to let go our memories just like that ?! Why you hate me ?! I love you . Why ?! Tell me why ?! Since 17 ! I love you . When I in relationship with you , I feel I'm the lucky guy in the world ! I feel my life perfect completely ! When I said I love you , I mean it ! When I said I won't leave you , I mean it ! When I said we will die together , I mean it ! And I'm not lying telling you this !" I said but she push me and crossing her arms .

"Y/N ! You said you love me . What is this ?! Tell me this is just my dream ! Why you do this ?! Why you make me being like this ?! Everyday I treat you like nothing happened between us ! I keep saying I love you to you everyday ! Hoping you will answer I love you too ! But no ! You never ! Since our fighting ! Since that night ! You never said you love me ! I'm the one who love you ! Why ?! I'm asking you ! You love me or not ?! You never love me isn't ? Since 17 . You actually didn't love me ?! You doing this for something else isn't ? Tell me ! If it's truth , I will divorce you ! You can married with anyone you want but I promise . I swear . I will not married anyone after I divorce you . Not even once ." My tears keep dropping and she stare at me . But her face not like before . I mean her face not like she hate me but more than she feels bad to me . I didn't care . I want to tell her what I feel !

"Why ?! Y-You make me fall in love with you . You make me feel so calm , happy . When I stress , enough to see your face already make me feel calm . When I'm sad , looked at your face make me feel happy ! You are my everything . I pretending be a stranger , text you and be your online boyfriend just because I want your body but after I realized . I'm not just in love with your body . I also in love with you . After that day , you make me love you more than everything . More than I love Jennie before . More than I love boys . More than I love Ailee . Please . Don't do this to me . You are my breath . You leave and I will died . I promise you that , Y/N . Please . I begging you . I need my old Y/N . The one who always said she love me , she miss me , she mad if I'm always busy . She asked for a cuddle . She will be my baby . I will carried her . She called me as cute monster . The one who will pecked my lips . Give me her smiled . The one who promise me she will not leave me . But you ? Who are you ? I didn't know you . Never . Give back my Min Y/N . My Kim Y/N ! Please . Her daughter and her husband need her ." My tears didn't stop dropping .

"Shut up ." She said and push me . She run upstairs . My tears keep dropping . I feel I can't even breath . I breath hardly and felt sit at floor . I put my body at wall .

"Please ." I said and my tears keep dropping . I looked at our marriage ring that I wear . I feel so mad , sad . Many feelings in my body now . I take it out and throw it hardly .

"Arghhhh !" I shout .

"Please ! Stop being fools ! I'm tired . P-Please . I-I beg you , b-baby . I-I . I need you . Don't leave me please ." My eyes suddenly closed by itself . I feel so tired . My body was hurt . I suddenly feel I got headache . Now I can't see anything . What I see is . Darkness .

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