Chapter 27: Mistake

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It's already 2 months since I caught him taking my picture secretly . We didn't fight since that . He always give his dimples smiled . When I mad , he will said sorry many times . I'm so lucky got this guy , I swear . I hope we will love each other until the end . I got a big exam now . After this , I will end the school . I mean I will go to college . Now I was answering the question in my exam paper . It's so easy ! Before this , I can't answer this kind of question but after I focus for what Namjoon teached about , now I can answer it easily . I hope I can catched my parents's dreams . My siblings fail to catched it . Now just me that left .


"You said it's easy ?! You seriously , Y/N ?!" Jungkook shout .

"What ? It's easy ." I sigh .

"Are you a real Y/N ?! You are the one who very lazy to do this all and now you said you want to take it again if you fail ?! Omg Y/N ." Taehyung also shout . We was walking back to school since the bus left us . We lated .

"Y/N . Do you answer the all question ?" Tae asked .

"Yea of course ." I reply .

"Oh wow . Namjoon really teached you ." Jungkook said make me chuckled . Suddenly we heard a horn . We look at the car and someone open the window .

"Boys ! Y/N ! Come in !" I saw someone removed his black sunglasses with a smiled . It's Namjoon .

"Hey !" We all shout and run to him . We open the door and I sit next to him while the boys sit behind .

"Hey boys , Hey baby ." He give a soft smile and start driving .

"How ?" He asked .

"How what ?" I asked back .

"Your exam ?" He asked again .

"Oh . So far it's good !" I answered smiling .

"You can answer it all ?" He asked and I nod .

"Wow . I'm proud ! How about you both ?" He asked the boys and continued focus at his driving .

"No . It's hard ! But we try our best ." Taehyung reply .

"Yea hyung . I don't know how your girlfriend can said it's easy ! Omg . Is this Min Y/N that I know ?" Jungkook grumbled make all of us chuckled .

"It's because she focus when I teached her . Not just you guys . I also noticed she going more better . I mean before this , when I asked her to answered the math question , it's take 1 hours for her to finished it ! But now , it's just take 30 seconds ." Namjoon said proudly .

"Really , Y/N ? Yah . I bet you will score A+ , bear ." Taehyung said and we all laughed .

"I hope it too ." I said with a warm smile . After a few minutes , we arrived at my house .

"Boys . You guys also come inside . Your brothers inside ." Namjoon said and they nod . We all go to main door and I open it . It's not locked . We go inside and we saw Lisa , Jennie , Hobi , Yoongi , Jimin and Jin was talking .

"Hey welcome , boys ! Y/N !" They stand up with a smiled .

"Hey ." We all said back .

"Come sit ! So how ? Your exam ?" Yoongi asked nervously .

"It's good !" I answered it with all confident that I have . 

"Wow . Looks like you can answered easily . I hope that worth ." Jennie smiled .

"Yea ." I smiled back .

"You both ?" Jimin asked . Yea he didn't go to our school as teacher today . We don't know why . Our teacher said he sick but what is this ? He so far so good here . Healthy !

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