When Faced With Conflict

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Three days had passed since Sera had taken care of you, she accepted the offer of making music, very awkwardly that is. You had pondered the older days, when you were obsessed with music, music theory, those days were fun. But could you do it now? You'd find out soon. The plan was to meet up after work, go on a stroll, and talk about what she wanted. With the business you had, you had plenty of funds to start just about anything. Maybe starting off with a bedroom studio would be the safest route.

You huffed as you looked over the numbers, you would have to work and take lessons, then make music.

"Yo, you got those numbers yet?" An employee asked as they popped their head around the corner.

"No Robert, I do not have them done yet," You said, your voice showing your lack of social battery.

He squeezed his lips together, glanced at the ground, and nodded his head.

"O. . .kay," He said plainly before slipping out of sight.

You checked everything over and over again, making sure it was right before sending it through to Robert.

You sat there staring at the screen. . .for a long time. then you came back into your train of thought. Time to get the fuck out of here.


The streets were crowded as always, the chatter constant.

"I want food," you huffed to yourself. fuck you, you'd get food after you met up with Sera.

You stopped, a thread in the air glistened.

Something seemed off as you walked around, more of everything, less of nothing, something just wasn't right. Your head flung around, pure concentration in your eyes. Everything broke, time itself, unfolding like a Japanese paper swan. Nothingness. Infinity. both were presented, soon unveiling a pure black dimension, a single figure standing between you, and endless mists.

"Who the fuck are you," You said, sternness in your voice.

"Oh, interesting," was the only words that left the ghostly figures mouth. His hair white, and a floating, transparent green crown above his head.

Then everything returned. Your stomach turned. It twisted so bad you felt yourself almost hurl.

It took you a while to gather yourself, but when you did, your mind annoyed you with questions. Who? How? He was singling out you, you knew this because of the technique, an older, much older technique used to single out a target. How did he know that? Was it that he was like you?

You stared in the direction a little longer, before turning and striding towards Sera's location.


You saw Sera in the distance, she was scrolling through her phone. You walked towards her, trying to stay composed. It bugged you, but right now it had to be shoved to the back of your mind.

"Hey," You announced. Sera looked up and smiled.

"Hey," She said back, standing up.

"Lets go," You hummed, a smirk poking the corner of your lip.

She started to follow you, then you heard her soft steps stop. You turned around.

Your eyes met.

"What?" You asked.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

(meanwhile in mini you's brain apartment)

*kicks chair aggressively*


*Looks at camera*


(back to not brain apartment)

"Nothing," You said calmly.

She squints her eyes at you to express her doubt.

"Stop, you look like an old lady reading the nutrition labels on different brands of beans," You said, pure fucking sarcasm in your tone.

Story put short, she was on the ground for thirty seconds straight, laughing her ass off until her stomach turned into pure muscle.

"It wasn't even that funny," You tried to say with no reaction, chuckles barely peaking through. You weren't laughing at your joke, you were laughing at this women's walrus laugh.

"Why the fuck do you laugh like that?" You gave in, bursting out laughing and crouching down at the same time.

Everyone looked, neither of you cared. You slowly got up, helping each other and then knocking each other down again, another wave of laughter hitting.

Sera finally stood up, then she lifted you up, still unstable, you pushed up against her, pushing her back, she giggled more and hit your shoulder.

"We must seem so cringy," She chuckled.

"yeah," You agreed in a high pitch as you wiped tears of laughter away.

"Lets go already," She said, trying to be serious.

You finished wiping your tears and took her hand.

"Yeah, let's go."


The two of you walked deeper into the park, you had completely forgotten about what you had seen earlier.

"So, you want to make music?" You asked as you stared at the sky.

"Yeah, I've wanted it since I was little," She confirmed, her voice soft with embarrassment.

"I've ordered music lessons for myself, I've heard your voice, you're good, but I ordered lessons for you too" You explained.

"What?" She said in shock.

You handed her a small card.

"The information is on there, its for intermediate singers, so it's not just basics," You ensured.

She took it and stared for a few seconds.

"What will you be studying?" She questioned.

You gave it a second before answering, the birds finished their distant conversation as you waited.

"Vocals, music theory, and music production," You said.

"Why vocals?" She asked.

"Because sometimes you need to hear the notes yourself and arrange them how you find best, let's also bring up the fact that I'm your manager now, I'll be running everything behind the scenes, I also have most control over your decisions in this industry," You explained.

"But what about the car dealership?" Seraphine mentioned

A smirk hit the side of your lips, glancing sideways, you were ready to answer this question.

"Lets just say I'm chasing the dreams of two people."

(omfg I haven't posted in years, I have school and also had a good bit of writers block, but, ya bois back, hope you like this chapter, the first part could be better, but I feel I'm making good progress. Next chapters gonna be juicy, not lemon, but its gonna focus on the bond between you and Sera)

You Are My Voice (Seraphine x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now